Another Brandon Mandate Knocked Down
WE CANNOT COLLECTIVELY ALLOW OUR RIGHTS TO BE TRAMPLED EVER AGAIN. Teach your children, and their children and every generation on. Keep records of everything. Keep videos, news papers, and…
WE CANNOT COLLECTIVELY ALLOW OUR RIGHTS TO BE TRAMPLED EVER AGAIN. Teach your children, and their children and every generation on. Keep records of everything. Keep videos, news papers, and…
Latest and Greats COVID News All In One Location
So why would they be interested in anyway to help the slaves in China and the rest of the world in fact. With the Democrats desire to remove the tariffs…
I just love these scientists they have always had our best interests in their mind all the time they research and speak and come up with information. They would never…
So this list of their plans will help educate you on the agendas bestowed upon all of us. Brought to your family’s door by the world economic forum, Rockefeller’s, John…
The mandates for pilots suddenly turned into deaths and almost plane crashes because the pilot dies in mid flight. The poor pilots were forced to get the jabb and they…
We reported on this future before. We talked about the pills and the nasal spray. We warned this insanity is on the way. Well here ya have it folks sniff…
They want you to owe them your freedom. They will use the jabb and what ever else they come up with to control you because if you are not caught…
There are so many articles and videos of doctors, people, and nurses saying not to get this jabb/pill/nasal sniff/... So why do people still get these drugs well because of…
Hospitals and their organizations running them are all in on the fraud. They scream bloody murder when there is none. Is this not unlike screaming fire in a crowded and…