Biden Lied Again, No Really
Biden has been caught yet again. He coasted about his amazing life that never was. His claim of an invite to the Naval Academy. This is a repeat from earlier…
Biden has been caught yet again. He coasted about his amazing life that never was. His claim of an invite to the Naval Academy. This is a repeat from earlier…
Biden, I mean Brandon is at it again making an absolute fool of himself and making the US look like a week puny ineffective country. Let's go Brandon thinks Putin…
Three little words, can drive a liberal absolutely insane. The three little words that will make a liberal’s head explode or at least their hair burst into flames. Those three…
The government is looking for people pushing against the propaganda pushed by the MSM. I suggest everyone leave Google services as much as they can. Google is complicate in this…
They just want to make sure you understand the eeehhheemm value of the DOLLAR LOL. Well inflation does not exist and since it does not exist the fed will be…
One way to gauge the mood of our nation is to examine what’s becoming a large part of our popular culture, not as represented in the lame stream media, but…