Watch Satanic Elites And Their Dirty Secrets Parts 1-4
Watch Satanic Elites And Their Dirty Secrets Parts 1-4
State Of Massachusetts Installed Spyware On People’s Phone
his is a typical reaction from the lies that were pushed by the CDC, WHO, Fauci, and the rest of the so called experts. They were allowed to talk nonsense.
Gavin Newsom Demands New Gas Tax
In 2012 the Democrat Party officially ended the two party system in California for state wide elections. They call it an open primary or “top two” primary election system. Basically…
California’s “Top-Two” Primary System
By happenstance, last summer’s “top two” primary election marked the 10th anniversary of the system that dramatically changed California’s political dynamics. Prior to 2012, California had a closed primary system…
French Surrender Monkey’s Turn In Their Guns
On September 3rd, 1939, France declared war on Germany after Germany’s invasion of Poland and began the small, limited Saar Offensive which quickly failed. By mid-October they withdrew and ran…
Captain of American Eagle Flight Dies
You are going to find way more of this over time. You will find people dying at the wheel while driving to work, driving trucks, buses, trains, and what ever…
Nothing But The Best From Biden
Nothing But The Best From Biden, the gift that keeps on giving.
Watch More China Protests And Riots Against Lock Downs And Other Policies
You need to know what is happening around the world. This includes China. These poor people are at the end of their ropes. These measures are literally killing people right…