UN & WEF – Sustainable development control plan means.
Corporate control of all Earth’s inventory.
Corporate control of all Earth’s inventory.
⛔️"Democracy Equals NEW WORLD ORDER" Aaron Russo Spills MANY Beans in 2005 with Alex Jones
Fidelity is a giant wall street firm that is owned by just one secretive family - The Johnsons. Get ready to learn about the unbelievable history of this financial conglomerate.
New World Order: Communism By The Backdoor | Dennis Wise
There exists a semi-secret cabal of globalists bent on one world government under the United Nations, world military through expansion of NATO, World Bank/cashless currency and a micro-chipped population. The…
It’s not a conspiracy, it’s a well known agenda. It’s always been about establishing a One World Government - A New World Order.
The Origin Of New World Order
The slow and methodical plotting to kill as many of the non-elites as possible has been taking places for many many many years. They start wars, finance and break countries,…
When considering the number of its own people it killed, the most evil, corrupt and cruel government in human history is the government imposed on China by the Communist Party.…
Pay attention to what this POS talks about. He is literally telling you what they are going to do. So this means you can take steps so this cannot happen.…