You were born into chaos magik | Truth is stranger than Fiction – California Fires
Watch the video below and then go check out the other articles below that.
Watch the video below and then go check out the other articles below that.
Holy Crap – Noway did this Pilot call out & Air Drop this Chemtrail Dispersing Plane Pilot Mid Flight?Can’t believe I haven’t seen this one….
The climate cultists are going to hate this‼️
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting on 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes that Obama made in his speeches about global warming, and shares…
I am sure you are like how would you know this or think this, Well because I was already in the process of thinking that much of so called academia…
The EU is currently working on a draft law that would practically expropriate older residential buildings. If they do not meet the new European energy efficiency standards then these buildings…
-Unmanageable inventory at Walmart -Pharm CVS, Dunkin’, McDonald’s drive throughs packed mid day -Closed banks, rite aids, and countless other small biz shuttered every where. Very little to no new…
Lockdowns and other tyrannical policies have absolute purpose for depopulation and control over us people not in their club. Wake up and smell what they are dumping on you. Wake…