“It’s important to fast from what we see, fast from the darkness, fast from social media…so you can see light.”
- Start by splashing cold water on eyes 10 times
- Blink your eyes 10 times – 5 rounds
- Rub your palms & place them on your eyes – 3 times
- Each arm sideways with thumb pointed up – Gaze on thumb (10 rounds)
- Thumb of each hand up & down – Gaze on thumb (10 rounds)
“Why do we close our eyes when we pray, when we cry, when we kiss, when we dream; because the most beautiful things in our life are not seen but felt only by the heart.”
“The human eye can only see between 430-770THz. Our ears can only detect sound between 20Hz-20KHz. These ranges make up a fraction of the total sound and light frequency range. This means there is a lot going around that Grypiderer: We cannot see or hear.”
It’s fascinating how these simple exercises can help us eliminate glasses from our life.
- Palestinian nationalism has deep Nazi roots.
- 🇭🇳💥— Thousands of Hondurans demanded the resignation of President Xiomara Castro!!!!
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