Horrifying Facts About The Record Industry
All major record labels have a huge room where they do rituals and cast spells on each master record CD and cassette back in the day. They have a covenant.
All major record labels have a huge room where they do rituals and cast spells on each master record CD and cassette back in the day. They have a covenant.
This is a must watch. It is absolutely hilarious. Hilarious and witty.
Ad for Omicron Vaccine "Placebo" (SATIRE)
I totally fell off the chair I was sitting in watching this video. It is clever as flipping hell. Hilarious like you cannot believe. And man they are being such…
Just Funny Sarcastic Informative Videos
President “Uncle Joe” Biden and Russian President Vladimir “The Killer” Putin held their first face-to-face meeting at a high-stakes summit in Geneva and our camera’s were there.
So, let me ask you a question. Just how completely out of it is the brain dead crook the leftist Dummycrat’s settled on as a figurehead? He’s so out of…
Fauci finally admits things as he talks to people on the sidewalk. He tells like it is for a change. Support Free & Independent Journalism Your support helps protect our…
By Jaz McKay So, I see where baseball games in NYC will be segregated from now on. The injected will have their section and the non-injected will have their section.…