Just watch the below video. This will tell you exactly what Klaus Schwab and his marry band of sycophants want for this world and you. These people want to be the unelected people in charge. They want you to be under their thumb. They want you controled for what they want and nothing for you, just like many of the distopian movies they got you used to watching.
Don’t fall for this crap anymore. Push back and make their plans for this world to not come to fruition. We can do this because we out number these fuckers so lets make them pay. No violence just gather all the information you can and share it wide to all even the lefty friends and family members.
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- FEMA CANT BE TRUSTED! I went to Asheville to make hot food for Hurricane Helene survivors.
- Rep Gaetz reveals whistleblower evidence that may tie Routh’s attempt on Trump’s life to foreign-backed assassin squads:
- 🚨 Chicago Gangbangers Speakout on the Illegal Alien Venezuelans Taking Over their City
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