We have been telling you to wake up. We have been showing you that teachers are grooming your children. This is more proof of said grooming. This is horrible and this man should go to jail for a very long time.
He should lose his teaching license and be banned from being around children for the rest of his life. He should not have anything to do with children in any way shape or form. And if he does he shall have the possibility of execution. These types of crimes are intolerable. Perpetrating sick grooming pedophilia attempt on children is the worst kind of the worst.
This video is short but tells you so very much about how the universities were pushed to allow this by the federal government. I just cannot believe these people are not screened as they go through the curriculum. They should be screened before as well.
I am shaking my head in why is this allowed to go through universities. I say the universities should be held responsible for allowing this kind of trash to go through their programs. I knew two people roommates of mine in college. They were lazy as hell and gave a literal shit about the kids. They wanted an easy job with an easy set of subjects so they picked teaching. They had no passion for the job. I can safely say they were not pedos because i would never stay in the same place as them and would turn their asses in so fast. But the point is these people are all over the place. Just look back at many of our articles. Search pedo and terrible teacher. You will see many.
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