Sample District MapSample District Map

An easy legal way to cheat as far as I am concerned. Politicians love to gerrymandering districts around and manipulate populations to allow a party to gain power. The thing that is disturbing about this is that fact it is legal and even exists.

This gerrymandering was probably created to solve a problem but is now used to manipulate things one one parties favor. If we get rid of parties and pass laws forcing politicians to allow people to see what they really stand for on their websites. They will be held accountable for their lies and can be removed if their site states something different from what they do while in office. I say it would come to a point where they should even get jail time for egregious lies. This is a discussion for another day for sure.

When politicians cheat they get help from others by paying them, blackmailing them, and other nasty tricks and deeds. This must stop. This must be prosecuted to the fullest extent. The consequences for people cheating in elections at all levels should be severe period.

What are your thoughts? Please comment below. Thanks for reading.

‘Dismantling Democracy’ to save it: How Democrats rediscovered the joys of rigging elections