Last week my 17 year old granddaughter sent me a text. She asked me, “Grandpa, what exactly is a liberal?” I can’t tell you how thrilled I was that she’s showing an interest in politics, she’s at that age where she’s wondering where she falls on the political spectrum and she needed some advice to guide her through her political self awareness, and she’ll be old enough to vote in the upcoming next year in the mid-term elections.

I told her in a nutshell, a liberal is a person whose political view of the world is based on emotions rather than logic and common sense. They always seem to contradict themselves from one issue to the next as if they’ve not fully thought it out. And that’s because they haven’t.

I said that while liberalism is very dangerous and destructive, I also reminded her to keep in mind that most liberals are not doing it intentionally, they’re just not all that smart.

Instead, liberals do what they do out of fear. Liberals are just cowards by nature and the casualties of the social justice conditioning that’s inspired them has caused them to fear just about everything on God’s green earth. That’s why they fear free speech, the weather, competition, healthy debate, individualism, the Bible, guns, big sodas, freedom, capitalism, the U.S. Constitution, salt, manly men, a strong military, and explains their psychotic overreaction to Covid.

All of that irrational fear drives liberals to attempt to maintain control of their little world by creating safe spaces for themselves, which wouldn’t be the huge problem it is if they just left the rest of us alone, but they can’t do that. You see, liberals are also busy bodies. They have to then push their crap on other people and attempt to create a collective utopia for the rest of the world.  And if history has taught us anything it’s that these large scale utopias’ always fail.

If this sounds crazy, it’s because it is. A recent Pew Research study looked at white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, and found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either somewhat liberal or “very liberal.” Their brains just don’t work right, in fact you could say their brain dead, like zombies following orders from their manipulative Marxist overseers in politics and the media.

This is highly evident when you consider that at the very heart of liberalism is a quest for control over people’s lives and the insistence that a monstrous, micro-managing government offering minimal personal freedom is the only way to achieve fairness.

I made it clear to my granddaughter that if Americans were to truly understand how enslaved they already are by liberalism, they’d run the other way, but sadly, for many among us, “ignorance is bliss.”

With that in mind I put together a sort of guide to help my granddaughter and you dear reader, to understand what liberalism really is and then you can decide for yourself if you might be a brain dead liberal. Or you may realize you don’t identify with any of the following scenarios and decide to run the other way.

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy……………..

You might be a liberal if you are inclined to define “hate speech” as any speech that offends you. If you think the only free speech is speech that happens to fall in line with what you believe, and you’re willing to violently respond in word or deed to those who disagree, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you’re a newspaper editor and you call people “bigoted” for being worried about bringing Syrian refugees to America, but you won’t run pictures of Muhammad because Muslims might kill you for it, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you’re proud you’ve had three abortions but you’re also proud that you recycle aluminum cans, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you complain that conservatives don’t follow the science, yet believe there are more than two genders, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think that men who are aroused by women’s breasts are sick, twisted freaks, but homosexuality is completely normal, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe Glenn Beck is an extremist because Keith Olbermann told you so, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think gay students should be allowed to publicly kiss and fondle each other in class, but Christians shouldn’t be allowed to quietly pray during a break, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that hurricanes are caused by people, and that crime is caused by the environment, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe January 6th was the worst thing to happen to the U.S. since the Civil War, yet when BLM and Antifa burn cities to the ground it’s perfectly reasonable expression of free speech, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that African American, Gay and Women’s Studies prepare young people for good careers, but a Biology major is an outdated relic of white misogynist domination, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe Donald Trump called Nazi’s at the Charlotte protests “good people” you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you insist that anyone who questions global warming hates science even though you don’t understand any of the science behind it yourself, you might be a brain dead liberal

If you say we have to do something about climate change primarily because you want to impress your lefty friends, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you’re terrified that holding terrorists at Guantanamo Bay who were caught trying to murder Americans might make the other terrorists who are trying to murder Americans mad at us, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe there’s a “Republican War on Women;” yet you are okay with aborting baby girls for any reason and you think any man who says he’s a woman should be able to use the women’s locker room at the spa and stare at naked young girls, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that meat and milk are bad for you, but marijuana gets you ready for your finals, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you claim to constantly hear Republican racist “dog whistles” that 99% of the population misses; yet say you’re not a racist when you insist that black Americans aren’t smart enough to get an ID in order to vote, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that global cooling for the past ten years proves there is such as global warming, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think there’s a possibility that Joe Biden might be able to have a productive conversation with radical Islamists who want to kill us, but dialogue with the NRA is impossible, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe Hillary Clinton tells the truth, about anything…… ever, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think that treating all people equally, regardless of race, is racist, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe the police are violent trigger-happy racists who shoot people for no good reason and simultaneously think that we should disarm the populace so that only the police have guns, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think everyone would agree with you if they were open minded, and yet you refuse to listen to any other opinions, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you went to a lecture given on your campus by a conservative speaker just so you could scream at him for “invading your safe space” you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that a mosque should be built at Ground Zero, but Jews shouldn’t build apartments in their own capitol city of Jerusalem, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that prostitution empowers women, but having a man open the door for a woman is degrading, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If your dog is smaller than your cat, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think Chris Kyle was a monster for killing so many enemies of America while Bowe Bergdahl deserves to be treated with respect and compassion after deserting his unit, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If your political arguments contain the phrase, “It’s Trump’s fault” you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you spend your day telling people that a border fence can’t work, then drive home to your gated community, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe you’re a caring and compassionate person because you advocate giving other people’s money away to people you hope will vote for Democrats, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If the only time you use the word “choice” is when it comes to abortion and you believe school choice, the choice to own a gun, or the choice to eat at McDonalds should be outlawed, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that anyone who dislikes Barack Obama must hate him because he’s black, but your hatred of Candice Owens, Thomas Sowell or Ben Carson is perfectly justifiable, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think you are a sophisticated person with a deep understanding of complex political issues, but sum up every one of them with some variation of, “Republicans are evil, racist Nazi’s, and they hate you while liberals like me are such nice people!” you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you blame Trump for the failure of the Afghanistan withdrawal even though Biden scrapped all of the Trump plans, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If your first response to a terrorist attack committed by radical Islamists or some insane person shooting up a Wal-Mart is to try to disarm every law-abiding gun owner in the country, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think an unemployed, white factory worker who’s struggling to feed his family has some sort of racial privilege compared to Barack & Michelle Obama, Don Lemon or Al Sharpton, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you argue that teenagers can’t control their sexual urges no matter what we do, but you think that child molesters and rapists can control themselves after counseling, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe White Christian Conservatives are the biggest threat to the United States of America, yet BLM and Antifa are just fine and dandy, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that four year old babies should be frisked at the airport because focusing on nervous young Arab men would be discriminatory, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think that two year old children should be forced to wear a mask on an airplane but it’s perfectly fine for the mayor of San Francisco to go maskless at a huge party, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you claim that you’re patriotic, but you can’t remember that last time you sided with the United States … on anything … against any country on earth, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe truth matters much less than feelings, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that Kathy Griffin and Johnny Depp know more about politics than Newt Gingrich, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you say fences don’t work and gun-free zones do, but if Republicans wanted the fence around the Capitol taken down and demanded that the Capitol Police disbanded, you’d accuse them of trying to get AOC killed and you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe Bruce Jenner is a woman, Sean King is black and Elizabeth Warren is a Native American. You might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe that conservatives need to be rounded up and put into in camps to prevent them from acting like Nazis, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you want to travel to India to study spiritualism, but you wouldn’t be caught dead in a church here in America, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think that Math is racist, but there is nothing racist about blacks being admitted to university’s over more qualified white or Asian applicants, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you think that Europe became great because of Islamic influences, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you whine about racial profiling yet you think that all serial killers are white and all Mexicans are hard working family men, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you believe the government can run health care even though they have bankrupted Medicare and Social Security, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If you really believe that Nancy Pelosi has the best interests of the United States in her heart, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If your dog is named Jeff, but your children are named Grover, Mogadishu and Apple, you might be a brain dead liberal.

If none of the Constitutional Rights you believe in are actually written in the Constitution, you might be a brain dead liberal.

So, in conclusion I think it’s clear that Michael Savage was right when he said liberalism is a mental disorder. If fact it’s a form of psychos, but there is a cure called conservatism. Conservatism is motivated by individualism and freedom while liberalism is motivated by fears and restrictions. There isn’t a normal, healthy person out there who prefers having others control his life, a modern day version of slavery, when the freedom to carve out his own future is available. It really is that simple.

Sure hope this helps to clear up any confusion and helps my granddaughter to understand exactly what a liberal is.

Views: 113

By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.