Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder told supporters Tuesday night to be “gracious in defeat” as he conceded the results of the recall election, which Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) won in a landslide.
“We may have lost the battle, but we are going to win the war,” Elder said.
The “no” vote led the “yes” vote by nearly two-to-one (64.2.% to 35.8%), Breitbart reports. Also it’s worth noting that of those who voted yes on the recall, 47% voted for Elder. That’s huge.
Was this a fair election? Well, there was a Democrat running so the answer is obviously no. However, this is still California and the Republican and the Hispanic vote turnout was pretty low.
But Mr. Elder is right, this is a process and is a sign that the future of the Democrat party in this state is in danger. Consider the fact that approximately 10% of the Yes votes were cast by Democrats.
Also you should take into consideration the fact that not one Republican (including Kevin McCarthy (R), Minority Leader in the House) bothered to show up and rally support. But that may have been a strategic attempt to distance the party from the overall process. Remember, Newsom was trying to paint the whole recall as a Republican takeover of the state.
But the fact that we succeeded in getting the number of signatures on the petitions to get this on a ballot is proof that a significant number of Californians are not satisfied with the direction the state is headed under single party rule.
Stand by, this isn’t over………