Deplorable Daily News, Not That Other Crap

Norway Reporting Severe Blood Clotting Issues After Administering Astra Zenica Vaccine…

If you can’t afford your funeral, Astra Zeneca may be able to help.

Via MSN:

Norway, among the countries that have suspended the use of Astra Zeneca Plc’s Covid-19 vaccine, said three people who received its shot are being treated for severe blood clots and cerebral hemorrhages but that it’s too soon to say if there was a connection.

The people, who were all “of younger age,” had a reduced number of platelets in their blood, the Norwegian Medicines Agency said in a statement on Saturday.

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CNN Criticized On Air For Its Year Long Cuomo To Cuomo Love-Fest…

Ouch! That had to hurt. LOL

LAPD Cruiser Drives Away With Antifa Numbnut Clinging To The Hood…

It’s Time to End the Clock Changing Madness

Hell yes it is. Talk about out dated and out modded.

Via Townhall

The dreaded time has come for Americans to lose one hour of sleep as we “spring forward” to daylight saving time (DST) and move forward our clocks. This adds another nuisance as it is already difficult for Americans to sleep enough with the constant stress of COVID-19, economic woes, and societal unrest throughout the country.

One easy way to improve our sleep is to end this ridiculous ritual, which creates needless headaches and causes the unnecessary aggravation of changing our clocks twice a year. It may have been a good idea when it was implemented in 1918; however, over one century later, it has lost its usefulness.

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CBS Launches ‘Internal Review’ of ‘The Talk’ After Sharon Osbourne’s Is Accused of Racism

Sharon Osbourne Reveals She Tested Positive for Covid-19 - Rolling Stone

This is the height of absurdity! All because she supports Peirs Morgan. BFD! I support Morgan as well. If you don’t support Morgan, you’re a fucking idiot.

Via Fox News

CBS says Sharon Osbourne’s heated discussion about race, spurred by her previous support of Piers Morgan, on Wednesday’s episode of “The Talk” is now under review.

“We are committed to a diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace. All matters related to the Wednesday episode of ‘The Talk’ are currently under internal review,” a spokesperson for the network told Fox News in a statement.

During the discussion Wednesday, the 68-year-old wife of Ozzy Osbourne clarified her support of Morgan, which she initially posted to Twitter. She explained that while she doesn’t agree with Morgan’s opinion, she supported his voicing it.

“I know he has a right to say what he feels on the interview, as we have a right to say and everybody has a right to say what they feel with freedom of speech,” she said, per “Entertainment Tonight.” “Did I like everything he said? Did I agree with what he said? No, because it’s his opinion. It’s not my opinion.”

Osbourne continued: “But why is it that because I supported a long-time friend and work colleague of mine for years that everybody goes, if you support him, then you must be racist because he’s racist?”

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Is GAB an Anti-Semitic Social Media Platform?

Um, not only no, but HELL NO! Governor Abbott, you got this wrong brother.

This is the same Gov. Abbott who just five days ago said he was “taking a stand against Big Tech censorship.”

Meanwhile last October Gov. Abbott worked to court Big Tech Amazon with a $17 billion dollar deal. 

Gov. Abbott’s statement will likely not sit well with the nearly 800,000 Texans who have visited in the past 24 hours alone. What is even more strange is that the Texas GOP itself is on Gab with a verified account.

Alabama GOP gives Trump Framed Resolution Calling Him One of the ‘Greatest’ Presidents in History

Via Fox News

The Alabama Republican Party on Saturday presented former President Donald Trump with a framed copy of a resolution, passed unanimously by the party, that declares him “one of the greatest and most effective” presidents in U.S. history.

“The resolution, basically, it just talks about the greatness of Donald J. Trump, how he made America great again and I hope other states will follow suit,” Perry Hooper Jr., a former state representative and a member of the state party’s executive committee, told Fox News in an interview ahead of the reception.

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Biden Grabass – Louder With Crowder Animation

Judge Takes Action on ‘Virtually Unintelligible’ Lawsuit Against Trump & Israel

Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display.


A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit by Palestinian activists against President Trump and Israel, describing the complaint as “virtually unintelligible,” with plaintiffs failing to specify who hurt them, when and where.

“The truly bizarre complaint alleged a massive conspiracy between the Israeli government and the named defendants to commit war crimes against Palestinians, without offering – or even identifying – any evidence to back up the baseless claim,” said the American Center for Law and Justice, the ACLJ.

The ACLJ said some of the Palestinian activists were tied to terrorism. Other targets were Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and prominent pro-Israel politicians.

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Meghan Markle Is Preparing To Run For President, Courting Dem Fundraisers…

Please do it, that would be hilarious. LOL

Via DailyMail:

Meghan Markle will use the furor over her interview with Oprah to launch a political career which could take her all the way to the White House, if rumors circulating around Westminster last week turn out to be accurate.

One senior Labor figure – a veteran of Tony Blair’s Downing Street administration with strong links to Washington – claimed to The Mail on Sunday that Ms Markle, 39, was networking among senior Democrats with a view to building a campaign and fundraising teams for a tilt at the US Presidency.

Last night, a source close to the Duchess of Sussex declined to comment, but the couple have made little secret of their political beliefs.

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While we’re on the subject, have you heard about Meghan Markle and The Racist Bird?

Why Do You Still Need to Wear a Mask After Your Coronavirus Vaccine?


The CDC released new COVID-19 guidelines for fully vaccinated people earlier last week, advising vaccinated people to continue to respect health measures meant to prevent transmission when in public or when gathering. The CDC does say that people who have received both shots can meet indoors without masks beginning two weeks after the second jab. That’s when full immunity kicks in, assuming the drug elicits the desired immune response.

But first-gen coronavirus vaccines aren’t designed to block COVID-19 transmission. Instead, they’re supposed to prevent severe COVID-19 and deaths. Also, the COVID-19 vaccines have various efficacy ratings, meaning that they won’t provide perfect, 100% protection. That’s why there’s a theoretical risk that fully vaccinated people can still get infected. They might pass the virus to others as well, even if they don’t develop symptoms themselves.

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Undisputed Middleweight Champion Marvelous Marvin Hagler Dead After Getting COVID Vaccine…

I’m not getting this thing, no way!

Via DailyMail:

Boxing was in mourning on Saturday night after the shock death of one its all-time greats, Marvin Hagler, at just 66, after he reportedly suffered side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The American boxer – born in Newark, New Jersey – dominated the sport’s middleweight scene, which he was champion of between 1980 and 1987.

He was also named as the Fighter of the Decade for the 1980s by Boxing Illustrated magazine and won the Ring Magazine Fighter of the Year award twice.

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NYC Coming Back To Life After A Year Locked Indoors…

Via AP:

NEW YORK (AP) — Pamela Puchalski still remembers how frightening it felt when the coronavirus upended life in her New York City neighborhood last March.

With terrifying swiftness came the first infections, the first restrictions and the first deaths. There were no answers to be found, only dire warnings: Stay away from work, from school, from restaurants and bars, from shops and theaters — and especially from each other.

“It was that feeling … like you can’t trust your neighbor,” Puchalski said.

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Sri Lanka To Ban The Burka And Close 1,000 Islamic Schools…

That’s fair.

Via Guardian:

Sri Lanka has announced plans to ban the wearing of burqas and said it would close more than 1,000 Islamic schools known as madrassas, citing national security.

The minister of public security, Sarath Weerasekara, said he had signed a paper on Friday seeking the approval of the cabinet of ministers to ban burkas – outer garments that cover the body and face worn by some Muslim women.

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Bitcoin Surges To $60,000…

Holy Crap! I knew I should have bought some years ago.

Via Yahoo:

Bitcoin, the world’s biggest cryptocurrency, on Saturday crossed a record high of $60,000.

Bitcoin has risen sharply this year, broadly outperforming conventional asset classes, partly due to broader acceptance as a form of payment.

In recent weeks, companies have taken advantage of its strength to raise hundreds of millions of dollars in funding, capitalizing on improved market sentiment.

A $1.5 billion bitcoin bet last month by Tesla Inc saw Elon Musk’s electric car company join business software firm MicroStrategy Inc and Twitter boss Jack Dorsey’s payments company Square Inc in swapping some traditional cash reserves for the digital coin.

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Charlie Hebdo Draws Queen Elizabeth Kneeling On Meghan Markle’s Neck…

I love this, but then again I’m twisted. LOL

I’d Much Rather Be In Florida…

No Shit! I lived there for 10 years, wish I could go back.


MIAMI — Other than New York, no big city in the United States has been struggling with more coronavirus cases in recent weeks than Miami. But you would hardly know that if you lived here.

Spring breakers flock to the beaches. Cars cram the highways. Weekend restaurant reservations have almost become necessary again. Banners on Miami Beach read “Vacation responsibly,” the subtext being, Of course you’re going to vacation.

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While America Opens Up And The Vaccine Works – Brazil Is The New Italy, COVID Has Taken Over Life…

Not to worry, Joe Biteme says they can come here to live.

Via MSN:

It was midway through February when André Machado realized Brazil’s coronavirus catastrophe was racing into a bewildering and remorseless new phase. “The floodgates opened and the water came gushing out,” recalled the infectious disease specialist from the Our Lady of the Conception hospital in Porto Alegre, one of the largest cities in southern Brazil.

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By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.