Deplorable Daily News, Not That Other Crap.

Cancel Culture is Out of Control — and Gen X is Our Only Hope

Via NY Post

First it was Huck Finn. Then it was JK Rowling. Last week it was “The Muppet Show.” This week it’s Dumbo. It’s only a matter of time before “Star Wars” gets canceled and you know it.

Will Gen X please stand up? I have something I want to say to you — to us.

We grew up in a country that didn’t ban books. We all agreed that witch hunts and blacklists were bad. Censorship was an outrage. The 1980s were not that long ago. Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.

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Cuomo Gets Mocked For Pic Caught Wearing A Blanket

“Chuck, Chuck, why aren’t you taking my call! Why did you call on me to resign!”

From Fox News:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have just done for blankets what Sen. Bernie Sanders did for mittens.

Soon after a photo emerged on social media, showing the embattled New York Democrat outside his home, wrapped in a blanket – and holding a bottle as he spoke on a cell phone — Twitter erupted with commentary and memes.

One Republican state lawmaker in New York – Assembly member Mike Lawler — compared Cuomo to Linus Van Pelt, the blanket-loving character from the classic “Peanuts” comic strip.

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McCarthy to introduce resolution to remove Swalwell from Intelligence Committee

Via Fox News

GOP leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.,said Friday that he will introduce a resolution next week to remove Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., from the House Intelligence Committee.

“Pelosi just reappointed Eric Swalwell to the Intelligence Committee. Based on the briefing she and I received together, Swalwell should not be on the panel in charge of guarding our nation’s secrets,” McCarthy wrote on Twitter. 

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Nashville Police Release Dramatic Video Of Officer Involved Shooting

Woman Says She Found True Love, Had Children, With A Rollercoaster…

Via NY Post:

Talk about a relationship with a lot of ups and downs.

Gaëlle Engel claims she has long been sexually attracted to inanimate objects — but she says she didn’t know true passion until she fell for a German rollercoaster.

“You could say that I’m sexually drawn to rollercoasters but since I met the Sky Scream rollercoaster, I understood what love was,” the France-born Engel told Jam Press of her attraction to the attraction at Germany’s Holiday Park.

“I spend every moment dreaming of a carnal and fusional relationship with it.”

The 43-year-old says she has been sexually attracted to objects since she was 12. The painter and poet has had three serious romantic human relationships, but found them all to be traumatic.

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Montana Man Arrested Twice Within Hours In Portland Is Member of Antifa…

Via TPM:

A man who was arrested twice during riots on the same day in Portland is closely affiliated with Antifa, The Post Millennial can report.

Darby Marshall Howard, 22, of Helena, Mont., was first arrested for felony first-degree criminal mischief and resisting arrest Thursday afternoon. Howard was allegedly part of a group of several-dozen far-left intruders who broke inside the lobbies of a Chase Bank and Wells Fargo in downtown Portland. Shocking footage outside one of the banks showed a crowd of people violently shoving a security guard who then brandished a handgun.

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Schumer Calls On Cuomo To Resign…

Via AP News:

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Facing unprecedented political isolation, a defiant New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo insisted on Friday that he would not step down in the wake of sexual harassment allegations and condemned the expansive coalition of Democrats calling for his resignation as “reckless and dangerous.”

By day’s end, the three-term Democratic governor had lost the support of almost his state’s entire congressional delegation. None of the defections hurt more than those of New York’s two U.S. senators, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

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Evanston Illinois Prepares To Give Black People Reparations Of $25,000 But Now “Activists” Say That’s Not Enough Money…


Via The Sun:

SOME black Americans living in Evanston, Illinois, who will be given $25,000 each as part of the city’s $10million reparations program don’t think it’s enough.

The payout is supposed to make amends for the racist housing policies in the city, north of Downtown Chicago, and a reparations program was established in 2019 – but some activists don’t think it’s sufficient.

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Two Thirds Of Italians Preparing For Third Wave Of COVID…

Via MSN:

The government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi is weighing stringent new restrictions on as many as two-thirds of Italians, with the regions encompassing the country’s largest cities possibly heading into lockdown amid a resurgence in the pandemic.

The tightening would bring Italy full-circle just over a year after it became the first Western country to enter lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Infections rose to a three-month high this week after the more contagious U.K. strain took hold amid a slow vaccine roll-out.

Draghi’s cabinet was due to meet at 11:30 a.m. on Friday to decide whether to automatically designate regions as high-risk “red zones” if they have more than 250 weekly cases per 100,000 inhabitants, according to a draft of a new decree seen by Bloomberg. The draft is subject to change.

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Twitter’s Jack Dorsey Moves To Have Child Porn Lawsuit Against Them Dismissed On Ground That 230 Gives Them Immunity…

Via TheBlaze:

Twitter has filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit from a minor who claims that the social media platform refused to remove child porn that featured him and another 13-year-old, citing its immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

“Congress recognized the inherent challenges of large-scale, global content moderation for platforms, including the potential for liability based on a platform’s alleged ‘knowledge’ of offensive content if it chose to try to screen out that material but was unable to root out all of it,” Twitter’s legal team states in a motion to dismiss filed Wednesday with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

“Hoping to encourage platforms to engage in moderation of offensive content without risking incurring potentially ruinous legal costs, in 1996 Congress enacted Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (‘CDA § 230’), granting platforms like Twitter broad immunity from legal claims arising out of failure to remove content.”

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Minneapolis City Council Approves Settlement With George Floyd’s Family For $27 Million…

Via CNN:

The Minneapolis City Council has unanimously voted to approve a $27 million settlement to George Floyd’s estate.

“George Floyd’s horrific death, witnessed by millions of people around the world, unleashed a deep longing and undeniable demand for justice and change,” Ben Crump, an attorney for Floyd’s family, said in a statement.

“That the largest pre-trial settlement in a wrongful death case ever would be for the life of a Black man sends a powerful message that Black lives do matter and police brutality against people of color must end.”

The news comes as jury selection is underway for the trial of Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer accused of killing Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, in May 2020 by kneeling on his neck for almost eight minutes.

Floyd’s final words included “I can’t breathe,” and his last moments alive were recorded on video. His death led to widespread protests against police brutality and racism under the banner Black Lives Matter as well as incidents of unrest and looting.

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Jerold Waddler Calls On Cuomo To Resign…

Harris, Not Biden Touts Signing Of COVID Free Money Bill…

More like: “Hell is on its way.”

Intruder Wearing Mickey Mouse Ears Trespasses For Hours Unseen At Base That Holds AirForce One…

Via NY Post:

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a highly unusual breach of security last month at the air base that operates the Air Force One presidential aircraft, an apparently aimless intruder went undetected for several hours and walked on and off an airplane on the flight line before his quirky headgear gave him away.

He was wearing what an Air Force investigative report released Thursday described as “a bright red or pink cap that partially covered his ears and had distinctive balls on top that looked a little like mouse ears.”

An airman in the operations office at Joint Base Andrews, located in Maryland just outside Washington, saw the man on the flight line and became suspicious, partly because of the headgear, and called security. Officials said he never got close to Air Force One.

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Cuomo: I Will Not Bow To Cancel Culture…

He’s standing his ground.

Pentagon Goes To War With Tucker & Fox News…

Via Washington Times:

A number of high-ranking military officers are using their official social media accounts to denounce Fox News host Tucker Carlson over recent claims that maternity flight suits for pregnant fliers and new directives that loosen hair regulations to accommodate females in the ranks are “making a mockery” of the U.S. military.

And top Pentagon leaders said Thursday they’re perfectly fine with the new online activism from several general officers and the Army’s top enlisted soldier against a TV commentator.

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30 Women Accuse Cuomo Now…

Via NY Mag:

In a cover story published by New York Friday, Rebecca Traister reports new allegations of inappropriate behavior by New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who has already been accused of misconduct by six women, including a former aide who alleges he groped her in private late last year, and now faces an impeachment inquiry.

Through interviews with more than 30 women who have worked or interacted with Cuomo, Traister finds that bullying was a defining element of his management style: “It’s an understanding of political power in which ruthlessness is read as greatness, abuse as passion,” she writes. Traister details the connections between his reported behavior and broader allegations of administration impropriety — including an alleged cover-up of nursing-home deaths during the pandemic. As one former staffer told her, “The same attitude that emboldens you to target a 25-year-old also emboldens you to scrub a nursing-home report.”

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Tucker Responds To DOD Political Attack Talking About ‘Smiting’ Him

Give ‘um hell, Tucker!

SFGate – Biden Vaccine Victories Build On Trump’s Work…

Finally they have to admit it…

Via SFGate:

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden beckoned leaders of two of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies to the White House on Wednesday and credited his administration for the “nearly unprecedented collaboration” between the longtime rivals, Merck and Johnson & Johnson, now jointly producing acoronavirus vaccine.

But the breakthrough touted by Biden was first conceived by Trump officials last year, culminating in a Jan. 4 conference call arranged between Merck and Johnson & Johnson’s senior leaders, said four Trump administration officials with knowledge of the efforts.

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Unlike the Lame Stream Media we are NOT funded by Bill & Melinda Gates, or George Soros. So a few coins in our jar to help us keep going are always appreciated.   [wpedon id=441]

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By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.