Every Kiss Begins With The Deplorable News

BREAKING: Criminal Charges Possible Against Gretchen Whitmer Over Nursing Home Deaths

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer cautions against 'dangerous' COVID-19  rhetoric from leaders - ABC News

Do you hear what I hear? Yep, that’s a reckoning I hear coming down the road.

Via Daily Wire

A local Michigan prosecutor has indicated that criminal charges could be forthcoming against Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer over her handling of the coronavirus pandemic as it relates to people who died in nursing homes.

New Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido told ABC Detroit that he is encouraging people who lost loved ones in nursing homes to go and get information from the facilities about the circumstances surrounding their loved ones’ death because, according to Lucido, he can’t access that information due to HIPAA laws. Lucido encourages people to file a wrongful death complaint with police.

“If we find there’s been willful neglect of office if we find there’s been reckless endangerment of a person’s life by bringing them in then we would move forward with charges against the Governor,” Lucido said. “Of course, we would. Nobody’s above the law in this state.”

Lucido “will be meeting with Macomb County Police to instruct them on how to process and verify the information and bring it to his office,” ABC Detroit reported. “After becoming Prosecutor this year, Lucido asked fellow county prosecutors to form a Blue-Ribbon Committee for consistency investigating these cases. That Association as a group declined and said Lucido should make the request to the Michigan Attorney General and feds. Lucido provided letters showing he did that last May.”

The report said that the U.S. Attorney’s Office would look into Lucido’s request but noted that the attorney general, presumably Michigan’s attorney general, apparently indicated that there was not enough to launch an investigation.

“Gov. Whitmer and her administration continue to refuse to answer questions regarding nursing home deaths,” Ted Goodman, Communications Director for the Michigan Republican Party, told The Daily Wire. “Michiganders deserve to know the true impact of Gov. Whitmer’s orders and we need transparency, now.”

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Police Shootout Breaks Out In San Diego During Live TV Report

Firefighter Has Meth Lab In His House, Says He Smokes Meth Before Work Every Day…

Drug Lab Cleanup Services - Crime Scene Cleanup, Disaster Cleanup &  Biohazard Remediation

Via Breaking 911:

SELLS, Ariz. – A Tohono O’odham Nation member and active firefighter was one of two people arrested Monday for operating a methamphetamine lab at a mobile-home located in the remote area of the Village of Santa Rosa following a probe by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and federal officers with the Native American Targeted Investigations of Violent Enterprises (NATIVE) Taskforce.

Stephen Folson, 36, and Desiree Saraficio, 29, admitted to conspiring to possess and manufacture methamphetamine after federal agents searched their home.

“Meth labs are basically ticking time bombs, waiting for a single spark to ignite and explode causing irreparable damage and, in the most extreme cases, death,” said Special Agent in Charge Scott Brown. “Not only is this an environmental hazard, but one that should have never been operated by someone in a position of public trust. The defendants most certainly knew better. The discovery of the meth lab is yet another example of the importance of partnering with federal agencies to leverage all capabilities to disrupt illicit activities along the southwest border.”

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“Journalist” Don Lemon Says We Don’t Need To Hear The Other Side To The Meghan Markle Story…

Journalism is more than dead, it’s non-existent in America. This guy’s pathetic.

Cuomo’s Top Attorney Quits After Less Than 2 Years In The Job…

Via NY Post:

ALBANY — Governor Andrew Cuomo’s top lawyer is leaving after less than two years on the job, the latest resignation in a wave of departures from the administration besieged by dueling scandals involving nursing homes and sexual harassment allegations.

Kumiki Gibson has served as Counsel to the Governor, Cuomo’s chief lawyer, since Sept. 2019, but she will be leaving the administration this Friday for a job in the non-profit sector, according to the governor’s office.

“I informed the Executive Chamber a month ago that I planned to leave State service and have accepted a position at a nationally prominent not-for-profit organization,” Gibson said in a statement.

“It has been an honor and privilege to work for the Governor and the people of the State of New York. I remain deeply impressed with the talent and dedication of my legal team and will forever be grateful for having the opportunity to serve New Yorkers.”

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WATCH: Biteme Stumbles, Forgets Who His Defense Secretary Is, Where He Works, What The Pentagon Is Called…

“Journalist” Arrested At BLM Riot In Iowa Goes On Trial…

Via AP:

A police officer testified Monday that he arrested a journalist at an unruly Black Lives Matter protest last year in Iowa after she did not leave when he repeatedly shot clouds of pepper spray to disperse the crowd.

Des Moines Officer Luke Wilson said he wasn’t aware Andrea Sahouri was a Des Moines Register reporter when he responded to a chaotic scene where protesters were breaking store windows and throwing rocks and water bottles at police outside Merle Hay mall on May 31.

Wilson said he sprayed the chemical irritant from a device known as a fogger to clear a commercial parking lot and that it worked in scattering the rest of the group, including Sahouri’s then-boyfriend Spenser Robnett. But he said Sahouri stayed put despite the spray, which can cause a burning sensation and temporary blindness.

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Mars Rover Landing Site Named After Female Sci-fi Writer You’ve Never Heard Of…

Celebrating Octavia Butler | The Huntington

She checks all the boxes.

Via Gizmodo:

That magical spot in Jezero crater where NASA’s Perseverance rover made its historic landing last month has been named “Octavia E. Butler Landing” in honor of the late sci-fi author.

“I can think of no better person to mark this historic landing site than Octavia E. Butler, who not only grew up next door to JPL [NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory] in Pasadena, but she also inspired millions with her visions of a science-based future,” Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA associate administrator for science, said in a NASA release.

Indeed, NASA got it right with this one, as Butler is a worthy choice for such a prestigious honor.

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NYC High Schools Will Re-Open…

Via NY Times:

New York City will welcome high school students back into classrooms starting on March 22, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Monday, a major milestone in the city’s sometimes halting efforts to resume in-person instruction for some of its one million students.

At a time when instruction in some cities in the Northeast and many on the West Coast remains completely remote for high school and even some elementary school students, New York’s decision to bring back high school students — a vast majority of them low-income, Black and Latino — will be viewed as an important precedent. The city’s public school system is by far the largest in the country.

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Cuomo: “No Fuckin’ Way I Resign…”

And I for one hope he sticks to his guns and hangs in there until they drag him out. I’m loving this slow painful bleed out that’s going on in Albany. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving political party….

Via AP News:

NEW YORK (AP) — The two top Democrats in New York’s legislature withdrew their support for Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday amid mounting allegations of sexual harassment and undercounting COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes.

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins became the first senior Democrat in the state to say the three-term governor should resign. Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie stopped short of demanding that Cuomo quit, but said in a statement that “it is time for the Governor to seriously consider whether he can effectively meet the needs of the people of New York.”

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Matt Gaetz Wonders If A Transition From Biteme To Harris Is Underway…

Of course, duh. I give him until June.

Via Townhall.com:

On Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” host Maria Bartiromo and Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz made some keen observations about the Biden administration that has some people questioning who’s really in charge over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bartiromo asked the Florida Republican whether a transition may be already underway, given President Biden’s avoidance of the press while Vice President Kamala Harris meets with international leaders such as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and French President Emmanuel Macron.

“What is going on?” Bartiromo asked. “Are we getting ready for some kind of a transition?”

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Despite National Guard Being Served Food With Metal Shavings In It, Pentagon Has No Plans To Change Food Contractors…

Via The Hill:

The Pentagon on Monday said that no moves are being made to remove any company from food service operations after National Guard troops assigned to protect the U.S. Capitol got sick from eating tainted meals served to them last week.

About 50 National Guard troops have been treated for gastrointestinal complaints — six as outpatients at military treatment facilities and the others at an aid station set up at the Capitol, Defense Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

But after food vendor facilities were inspected multiple times, “with no substantial issues having been recorded,” Kirby said he is not aware of any changing contracts due to the illnesses.

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IBM Study: Businesses Don’t Care About Gender Equity (Outcomes)…

Nor should they.

Via Neowin:

A new study from IBM has found that 70% of global businesses do not regard gender equity in the workplace as a top priority despite efforts to encourage women into the workplace, especially in STEM fields. Huawei is one such firm that has been trying to make software development more inclusive for women but IBM’s data shows that despite a boost in such programs, the mindsets and cultures have not changed enough which is hurting outcomes.

IBM refers to businesses that prioritise gender equity as ‘First Movers’ in its report and according to the findings, these businesses reported stronger financial performance, were more innovative, and recorded stronger customer employee and satisfaction. Despite these positive results, the report also found that, among the women surveyed, fewer held senior vice president, vice president, director, or manager roles in 2021 compared to 2019.

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Switzerland Votes To Ban The Burqa In Public…

Damn straight!

Via NPR:

Swiss voters approved a proposition Sunday banning facial coverings in public. Niqabs and burqas, worn by almost no one even among the country’s Muslim population, will be banned outside of religious institutions. The new law doesn’t apply to facial coverings for health reasons.

Switzerland will join several European countries that have implemented a ban on facial coverings, including France, Denmark, the Netherlands and Austria.

The new legislation was brought to the ballot through a people’s initiative launched by the nation’s right-wing Egerkingen Committee, the same group that led the charge to ban minarets over a decade ago, the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation reported. In 2017, the group presented over 100,000 signatures to the government and demanded the issue be brought to a national vote.

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FLASHBACK: Trump Warns Harry…

Boy, was he right or what?

Joe Manchin Threatens To Block Climate Change Bill Unless Republicans Are Given More Of A Voice On It…

Show me the money Joe. I ain’t buyin’ it.

Via NY Post:

Sen. Joe Manchin threatened to block President Biden’s climate change and infrastructure package unless Republicans have more of a voice in the negotiation process than they did with the coronavirus stimulus bill.

Manchin, a moderate Democrat from West Virginia who has emerged as a critical swing vote in the narrowly divided Senate, said he would use his position as chairman of the Senate Energy Committee to hold up the legislation unless the GOP has input.

“I’m not going to do it through reconciliation,” ​he told “Axios on HBO” in an interview that aired Sunday. “I am not going to get on a bill that cuts them out completely before we start trying.”

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By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.