Uploading The Truth

Your 3-Month-Old Might Be Racist, & The Department Of Education Is Here To Help

Via The Daily Wire

The bad news is that your three-month-old precious bundle of joy — yeah, she might be a racist. On the up side, Arizona’s Department of Education is offering an “equity” toolkit to help you tamp down their racism.

Journalist Christopher F. Rufo exposed the ideological “equity” toolkit within the department’s diversity program that claims babies can develop signs of racism at just three months old and should be talked to about race even before they can talk.

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Migrants Wear Biteme T-shirts at US-Mexico Border

They can’t wait to vote!

Via Fox News

Migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border on Tuesday were photographed wearing T-shirts in support of President Biden at the San Ysidro crossing port in Tijuana, Baja California state.

One apparent migrant held up a poster that read, “Biden, please let us in!”

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Tennessee Legislature Advancing Bill to Allow Citizens To Carry Without CCW Permits

Top 5 CCW Positions (With Examples)

This is great news to freedom loving gun owners.


A bill to allow people to carry guns without permits is moving through both chambers of Tennessee’s state government.

The legislation would allow people 21 and older, as well as military members age 18 to 20, to carry both open and concealed handguns without a permit. It also increases punishments for certain gun crimes.

The bill was approved Tuesday by the Senate judiciary committee, and Wednesday by a House criminal justice subcommittee, the Tennessean reported.

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A Virginia County Moves To Ban The American Flag Because QAnons May Flay Them.

On Independence Day, can the American flag unite us? - Deseret News

These people are out of control.

Via Daily Wire

A Virginia county planning commission will vote Wednesday on restrictions that would ban residents from flying American flags larger than six feet by four feet and from displaying more than two flags.

The Planning Commission of Fairfax County, a 1.1 million-person jurisdiction just outside Washington, D.C., is weighing a plan by staff to limit the size of flags that homeowners may fly to 24 square feet, lower the maximum height of flagpoles to 25 feet, and limit the number of flags to two.

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Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders Propose Wealth Tax on Billionaires

I am so looking forward to seeing which Leftist billionaires back this proposal. You see, the reason billionaires support socialism is because it PREVENTS others from joining their ranks. By taxing INCOME they can keep others from having the resources to challenge their powers. Now that their powers are being challenged, with a tax on wealth, NOT INCOME let’s see how “altruistic” they really are.


A slew of Democrats on Capitol Hill — including progressives Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. — on Monday proposed a 3% total annual tax on wealth exceeding $1 billion.

They also called for a lesser, 2% annual wealth tax on the net worth of households and trusts ranging from $50 million to $1 billion.

The Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act aims at reining in a widening U.S. wealth gap, which has been exacerbated by the Covid pandemic.

“The ultra-rich and powerful have rigged the rules in their favor so much that the top 0.1% pay a lower effective tax rate than the bottom 99%, and billionaire wealth is 40% higher than before the Covid crisis began,” Warren said Monday in a statement.

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Congress Flees The Swamp Fearing Another Riot Tomorrow…

Make politicians afraid again.

Via The Hill:

House Democrats will accelerate passage of a sweeping police reform bill, bringing the legislation to the floor Wednesday night — and canceling votes Thursday — amid revelations of new threats to the Capitol.

Democrats had initially intended a Thursday vote on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021. They altered the schedule Wednesday, prompted by fears from lawmakers that their physical safety was at risk from conservative militia groups threatening violence at the Capitol on Thursday, according to four Democratic sources familiar with the change.

“[There’s] growing concern about threats to the Capitol and Democratic lawmakers in particular tomorrow,” one Democratic lawmaker texted.

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Joe Biteme Calls Texans A Bunch of Neanderthals…

The Fake President : ‘I’m Happy To Take Questions, If That’s What I’m Supposed To Do’

This dude is a freakin’ mess.


Target Says It Will Require Masks In Stores Regardless Of What States Tell Them To Do…

Most of these places have a “no confrontation” policy – just walk right in without a mask, if someone asks if you have one just say “yes” and keep walking, if they ask if they can give you one just say “no” and keep walking. I do it all the time.

Denmark Has Had Enough With COVID Lockdowns…


NY Now Testing “Vaccine Passports”…

Um, NO!

Via Fox 5 NY:

NEW YORK – With the limited resumption of sporting events at venues in New York, Madison Square Garden and the Barclays Center will be used as testing grounds for a new digital pass that could confirm the owner’s COVID status. It will confirm an individual’s vaccination or recent negative coronavirus test.

First tested at the Brooklyn Nets game at Barclays Center on Feb. 27, the Excelsior Pass created with IBM, was tested for a second time during the New York Rangers game on Tuesday at Madison Square Garden.

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Disney To Close 20% Of Disney Stores…

Via NBC:

Disney said Wednesday that it will close 20% of its brick-and-mortar Disney Store locations before the end of the year as part of a bigger focus on its e-commerce business.

At least 60 of its North American locations will close, the company said, citing changing consumer behaviors and a desire to link its online shopping experience to its Disney Parks apps and social media platforms. There are about 300 Disney Stores worldwide.

“While consumer behavior has shifted toward online shopping, the global pandemic has changed what consumers expect from a retailer,” said Stephanie Young, president of consumer products, games and publishing.

The pandemic has accelerated the shift away from physical stores to digital shopping by about five years, according to data from IBM’s U.S. Retail Index. Industry-wide e-commerce sales jumped 32.4% to $791.7 billion in 2020, and that figure is only expected to grow.

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Washington Football Team Removing Cheerleaders This Season…

Please God, just send that meteor now…

Via The Blaze:

The NFL franchise will not have cheerleaders this coming season — a first after more than 50 years, USA Today reported.

In their place will be a coed dance squad, according to Petra Pope, the team’s newly hired senior adviser, who told the paper “we want to be more inclusive.”

“Being super athletic” is the new goal, she added to USA Today: “We’re able to do more things with the strength of a male, and lifts, so that’s changed a great deal. The inclusivity, strength, and interest of choreography has changed.”

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Bi-Partisan Group Of Senators Introduces Bill To Strip Biden Of War Powers…

That’s some bipartisan legislation the whole world can get behind.


FBI Says Capitol “Riot” Could Be Inspiration For Future “Domestic Terrorism”…

Via NY Post:

The successful breach of the Capitol on the Jan. 6 siege could serve as inspiration for terrorists, a group of national security officials testifying before the Senate Wednesday agreed.

The assessment came initially from Melissa Smislova, a top Homeland Security Department official.

“We do assess that the breach on the Capitol could inspire others to act,” Smislova told the Senate.

“I agree. Any time an adversary is successful, others pay attention and so we’re worried that this would be an inspiraiton,” FBI Assistant Director Jill Sanborn said immediately afterward.

Smislova and Sanborn, along with Maj. Gen. William Walker and Assistant Secretary of Defense Robert Salesses, all testified at a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee hearing on missteps that occurred preparing for and responding to the Capitol riot.

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Democrat Outrage Backfires – CPAC Stage They Claimed Was A Nazi Symbol Was Designed By Democrat Donor Who Is Now Being Cancelled Over It…

Via Forward:

The company that was hired to set up the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida last weekend has taken full responsibility for the design of the stage that resembled a Nazi insignia.

In an exclusive statement to the Forward on Tuesday evening, Design Foundry, a stage design firm based in Hyattsville, Maryland, said it “had no idea that the design resembled

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Texas Nurse Has Insane Meltdown On Camera Over End Of Texas Mask Mandate…

This woman’s just crazy enough to fit right in here in California…..

Via CBS:

AUSTIN (CBSDFW.COM/CNN) – A Texas woman has spent months caring for COVID-19 patients pouring into hospitals as the virus raged across the state — and the country.

“It has been devastating”, ICU nurse Brittany Smart said minutes after the end of her shift.

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Joe Biteme Camp Fumed Over Cuomo’s Self Serving Speech At DNC…

Well, he was planning on running for President in 2024. WAS being the operative word.

Via Fox News:

Joe Biden’s aides were furious that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo made a self-serving video for the 2020 Democratic National Convention and asked his camp to redo it — but they refused, a new book says.

“Every four years, Democrats asked themselves the same question about the New York governor and former Housing and Urban Development secretary: ‘How is Andrew Cuomo going to f- – us this time?’’ write the authors of “Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency.’’

At the convention four years earlier, Cuomo had jarred on “for double his allotted time,’’ while his team refused to participate in fact-checking sessions beforehand, the book says.

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Black School Resource Officer Fired After Using N-Word To Address A Black Student…

Via NY Post:

A black Florida school resource officer was fired after he was caught on his body camera using the N-word multiple times, authorities said.

Delvin White, an officer at Middleton High School, was dismissed Tuesday for “violations of policy that prohibit discriminatory conduct,” the Tampa Police Department said.

The officer used the racial slur while on the phone and driving home from an off-duty assignment on Nov. 13, the Tampa Bay Times reported. He repeated it again while on the phone with his wife.

Footage also captured White saying the N-word twice while arresting someone for trespassing on Nov. 30, police said.

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South Korea’s First Transgender Soldier Found Dead…

Via NY Post:

The first known transgender soldier in South Korea, who was discharged in January after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, was found dead in her home Wednesday, officials said.

Byun Hui-su, 23, a former staff sergeant and tank driver, hadn’t been in contact with local mental health counselors she was connected with since Sunday so they requested a welfare check at her home, according to Shin Jeong-hwan, an official with Cheongju’s fire department.

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The FBI Is Being Trolled Into Thinking QAnon Fans Will Stage A Coup On March 4…

Via ABC:

U.S. Capitol Police officials said Wednesday they have “obtained intelligence that shows a possible plot to breach the Capitol by an identified militia group on Thursday, March 4” — the date that far-right conspiracy theorists believe former President Donald Trump will return to power.

The intelligence is being taken “seriously,” the officials said in a statement posted on Twitter.

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By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.