Gov. Cuomo Press Conference Is A Complete Disaster…


This is all a distraction from his role in the deaths of some 15,000 elderly nursing home residents and the subsequent cover up of the crime. Face it if he gets prosecuted for that, then that opens up the flood gates for prosecution of every governor or state official that did the same thing.

This is why his fellow Democrats are demanding he resign. They figure if he goes down for these sexual assault allegations the nursing home story will just go away.

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2021 Summed Up in One Image……..

This photo sums up the times we are living in. Masked and socially distanced UK police warn the public not to be politically incorrect. No society can remain free without free speech. We are losing it quickly on both sides of the Atlantic.

Designer of CPAC Stage, Accused of Being A Nazi…. There’s just One Problem

Hyatt speaks out on alleged Nazi symbol on stage at CPAC conservative  conference last weekend - Upworthy

These people are truly INSANE!

Via Red State

We reported on the crazy leftist conspiracy theory that the CPAC stage was somehow a Nazi symbol.

Liberals flipped out, went after the CPAC organizers and Hyatt for hosting, and even tried to hunt down who was behind building the stage.

Well, now, they’ve figured out who was behind building the stage. But it doesn’t exactly fit the liberals’ fevered conspiracy theories.

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Dr. Seuss Books Dominate Amazon’s Top 10 List After ‘Cancellation’

As a collector, I buy a lot from Ebay and I noticed the first six books canceled have gone up in price as much as 1000%


‘Cancel Culture’ is just what the doctor ordered.

Dr. Seuss dominated Amazon’s top 10 bestselling list on Wednesday, one day after the publisher announced it was pulling a number of books for apparent racist undertones.

Seuss books, including famed titles such as “The Cat in the Hat,” “Green Eggs and Ham” and “Fox in Socks,” accounted for nine out of the top ten bestselling books as of Wednesday morning.

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2 Weeks To Flatten The Curve Was One Year Ago Today And Now Biden* Says It’ll Be Another Year…

Federal Probes Into Hunter Biden’s Tax Affairs Proceeding Ahead…

Hunter Biden, president-elect's son, says federal prosecutors probing his  taxes

Via NY Post:

​The federal probe into Hunter Biden’s “tax affairs” is plowing ahead without any interference from President Biden’s White House, according to a report on Wednesday.

Prosecutors in the US attorney’s office in Delaware are “treating it seriously” and they have “not heard from the White House” or Judge Merrick Garland, the president’s nominee to run the Justice Department, Fox News reported.

Garland told the Senate Judiciary Committee during a confirmation hearing last week that he hadn’t discussed the Hunter Biden investigation with the president.

“I have not,” Garland told senators. “The president made abundantly clear in every public statement before and after my nomination that decisions about investigations and prosecutions will be left to the Justice Department.”​

The Attorney General nominee told the panel that he understood the Hunter Biden probe was “proceeding discreetly.”

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Teen Mental Health Taking A Massive Hit During Pandemic…

Via NY Post:

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a profound toll on teens and young adults – with those between the ages of 13 and 18 being the most affected, according to a troubling new national study of medical records and insurance claims.

FAIR Health, a nonprofit that collects data for the largest database of privately billed health insurance claims in the US, looked at 32 billion records and studied those in the 13-18 and 19-22 age ranges.

The organization tracked month-by-month changes from January to November 2020, compared to the same period from the year before.

In March and April 2020, mental health claims for youngsters aged 13-18, as a percentage of all medical claim lines, approximately doubled compared to the two months in 2019, according to the study.

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California Governor Who Routinely Breaks His Own COVID Rules Calls Abbott “Reckless”

California's Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget |  California, Budgeting, Human services

Via Fox News:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Tuesday blasted Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s “absolutely reckless” reversal of a coronavirus mandate requiring masks.

After eight months, Abbott announced Tuesday that beginning next Wednesday, March 10, Texans will not be required to wear masks in public.

In a bid to reopen Texas “100 percent” Abbott also said he will rescind the state’s previous executive orders and allow all businesses to reopen at maximum capacity.

“Removing state mandates does not end personal responsibility,” Abbott cautioned. “Personal vigilance to follow the safe standards is still needed to contain COVID. It’s just that now state mandates are no longer needed.”

Meanwhile, 96 percent of California’s population remains in the most restrictive purple tier, though a number of counties are expected to move to the less restrictive red tier this week. Newsom is facing a recall effort, which could be nearing a vote, over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Biden Press Sec Refuses To Deny Biden Would Force Doctors With Faith Objections To Perform Abortions

FBI’s Wray Bizarrely Claims Conservative Groups Behind ‘Most’ BLM/Antifa Riots…

What in the hell….? Apparently, Wray, a man of the Left, thinks the right-wing nuts are the only real danger. After months of riots by the communist-anarchist Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs, assaulting the police, burning down buildings, and beating up harmless people, Wray thinks the Right, people who ran wild in the Capitol on January 6th, are the real problem

Law Enforcement Around Washington DC Goes Into Overdrive Over “QAAnon” Inauguration Day…

What do you think of this? I mean hell, we all knew our government was STUPID, bu who knew they were this stupid?

White House Pulls Tanden Nomination…

Joe Biden withdraws nomination of Neera Tanden to top economic role |  Financial Times

Via MSN:

Biden said in a statement that Tanden had requested to withdraw her name from consideration, and that she would still serve in his administration.

“I have the utmost respect for her record of accomplishment, her experience and her counsel,” Biden said.

He added, “She will bring valuable perspective and insight to our work.”

The former Clinton campaign aide and president of the left-leaning think tank Center for American Progress came under fire during the confirmation process for past critical comments of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. The Washington Post first reported the White House’s decision.

The announcement comes after several key senators said they would oppose Tanden’s nomination, citing her past comments aimed at lawmakers and posts on social media.

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New Mexico County Corrections Officer Sues Over Being Forced To Get COVID Vaccine…

Via MSN:

The complaint stems from a directive Macias issued in January requiring that county-employed first responders, sheriff’s deputies, firefighters and detention center officers receive one of the two vaccines against the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the disease.

Detention officer Isaac Legareta claims in a federal complaint that mandating employees take vaccines that are not yet fully approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration violates the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

The vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna were both approved for emergency use in December, while a third vaccine under development by Johnson & Johnson was authorized on Saturday. All three are undergoing the clinical trial process.

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President Biteme Has Another Senior Moment When Questioned About The Border…

Number Of Illegal Alien Children Crossing The U.S. Border At All-Time High…

Via NY Post:

Members of the Domestic Policy Council were set to tell President Biden Tuesday that the number of migrant children who cross the southern border this year is on pace to exceed an all-time record — by 45 percent — citing unreleased data from the Department of Homeland Security.

In a presentation made up of nearly 40 slides obtained by Axios, the DPC cites data from DHS and the Department of Health and Human Services to warn that the Biden administration is 20,000 beds short of what it needs to properly house the 117,000 unaccompanied child migrants expected to cross the border this year.

Despite establishing multiple new tent-style shelters and loosening COVID-19 restrictions, the DCP is telling Biden that the administration will fall short of its needs by a couple thousand.

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Joe Biteme Takes Credit For Trump Accomplishment Again – Says U.S. Will Have Enough Vaccine By May For Everyone…

Hillary Clinton Backs Investigating Cuomo…

Appeals court nixes Hillary Clinton deposition on emails - POLITICO

Via DailyMail:

‘I’m glad to see that there will be a full, independent, and thorough investigation,’ the former secretary of state added.

Clinton has joined other politicians who are backing an investigation into the governor.

Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted over the weekend that the ‘detailed accounts of sexual harassment’ by both aides ‘are extremely serious and painful to read’.

‘There must be an independent investigation – not one led by an individual selected by the Governor, but by the office of the Attorney General,’ Ocasio-Cortez said.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio also said in a statement that the probe must be ‘led by someone fully independent of the governor’, adding that the allegations against Cuomo are ‘disturbing’.

Cuomo acknowledged for the first time Sunday that some of his behavior with women ‘may have been insensitive or too personal’.

The governor addressed the allegations in a statement and has not been seen in public since last Wednesday. He maintained he had never inappropriately touched or propositioned anyone. But he said he had teased people about their personal lives in an attempt to be ‘playful’.

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Texas To Re-Open 100% And Abolish Mask Mandate March 13…

Texas keeps growing. Where are the newest transplants coming from? | The  Texas Tribune

God bless Texas.

Via NBC:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) says it’s time to “open Texas 100%” and ended the statewide mask mandate, effective next Wednesday, citing downward trends in hospitalizations and the availability of medicines and vaccines to keep people from requiring hospitalization.

The governor delivered a statewide address Tuesday from Montelongo’s restaurant in Lubbock where he said the state mandates were no longer needed in the battle against COVID-19 and that he was issuing a new executive order (GA-34) that rescinds most of his other pandemic-related orders.

The new executive order allows all businesses, of any type, to open to 100% capacity and, though the governor strongly encouraged people to continue wearing face coverings in public, he said people will no longer be required to do so.

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Fauci’s Deputy Signed Confidentiality Agreement To Enter China..

Fauci answers: Can you have a dinner party if you're vaccinated? | ABC27

Via Daily Caller:

Anthony Fauci’s deputy was required to sign a confidentiality agreement “tailored to China’s terms” before joining a World Health Organization team in China early last year to collect data about the novel coronavirus, according to an email obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

A WHO technical officer informed Dr. Cliff Lane, the Fauci deputy, would have to sign a confidentiality form and a disclosure of interest approved by Chinese authorities, according to a Feb. 15, 2020, email.

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We Don’t Like Cuomo Now – Every Late Night TV Host Says The Same Thing In Unison…

Via Babylon Bee:

U.S.—According to sources, dozens of people around the country sat down last night to hear late-night talk show hosts tell them what to think about everything. Several viewers noticed the hosts opened up their very hilarious monologues with the same strange lines.

With a far-off look and robotic delivery, they all said: “We don’t like Cuomo anymore. He used to be good, but now he’s bad. You used to like him, but now you don’t. Ha. Ha. Ha.”

The dozens of viewers all laughed, having been given the cue to laugh when the hosts said “Ha. Ha. Ha.”

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New Jersey Newspaper: NJ Town Uses Drones To Strip People Of Civil Liberties And We’re OK With That…


Other mayors, take note: The mayor of Elizabeth, New Jersey is using a shiny new toy to nab the knuckleheads.

In his city, which alone has nearly 4,000 cases of coronavirus and at least 199 deaths so far, Chris Bollwage has announced plans to deploy talking drones to ensure that people are following the rules on social distancing.

These swooping robots with wailing sirens will surveil public property only, his police say. Not sunbathers in their backyards.

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NASA’s Cutting Edge Space Rover On Mars Is Powered By An iMac G3 Processor…

Via 9to5Mac:

How far do you think a 90s-era Mac can go? Actually, it can go to Mars. NASA’s rover Perseverance, which reached the Red Planet on February 18, is powered by the PowerPC 750 processor, the same chip that is inside the iconic 1998 iMac G3.

According to New Scientist (via Gizmodo), the Mars Perseverance rover uses the RISC CPUs that Apple went all in on before switching to Intel. The iMac G3 was colorful (you could see through it), and it ultimately saved Apple from bankruptcy.

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Police Say Woman Ran Over Her Own Son, Then Threw Him In Ohio River…

Via Yahoo News:

When Brittney Gosney reported her 6-year-old son missing to Ohio police on Sunday, officers had no idea how the story would change later that day.

In a matter of hours, the case of a missing child became a homicide investigation. Authorities were sent to the Ohio River, where James Robert Hutchinson’s body was dumped. And his 29-year-old mother was charged with murder, abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence.

According to court records, Gosney told investigators with the Middletown Division of Police that she tried to abandon Hutchinson at Rush Run Park in Preble County on Friday. When he tried to get back in the car, she sped off, ran over him and dragged him “for a distance,” officials said.

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Washington Post Fact Checker Can’t Figure Out When Joe Biteme Was Installed..

Daily COVID Cases Now Under 50,000 Nationally…

What a difference an election makes…

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Views: 16

By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.