WARNING! The Following News May Be Harmful to Snowflakes & Woosies!
BREAKING: Texas Governor, Greg Abbott Has Ended State Wide Mask Mandate.
Via The AP
Texas is lifting its mask mandate, Gov. Greg Abbott said Tuesday, making it the largest state to end an order intended to prevent the spread of the coronavirus that has killed more than 42,000 Texans.
The Republican governor has faced sharp criticism from his party over the mandate, which was imposed eight months ago, as well as other COVID-19 restrictions on businesses that Texas will also scuttle starting next week. The mask order was only ever lightly enforced, even during the worst outbreaks of the pandemic.
Mother Indoctrinates Her Own Son….
Virginia School District Denies Banning Kids From Reading Dr. Seuss Books

So, because they’re getting push back they’re back peddling and while they may have not out right banned them they’ve done enough damage with their pronouncement in as much as the publisher has taken them off the market.
Via NYPost
A Virginia school district has denied rumors that it has banned students from reading Dr. Seuss books — insisting it was merely no longer promoting them because of apparent “strong racial undertones.”
“Research in recent years has revealed strong racial undertones in many books written/illustrated by Dr. Seuss,” the district said.
“Given this research, and LCPS’ focus on equity and culturally responsive instruction, LCPS provided this guidance to schools during the past couple of years to not connect Read Across America Day exclusively with Dr. Seuss’ birthday.
Public School Teachers Issue Students Their Summer Book-Burning Lists

This is of course satire, (for all Joe Biteme voters, that means a joke) but it does seem pretty close to reality in our new “weird woke world.”
Via The Babylon Bee
With public schools entering summer break in a couple of months, teachers are usually taking this time to prepare summer reading lists for their students to keep up on reading over the summer. This year, however, due to the alarming rise in problematic literature, teachers will be switching to book-burning lists.
“We need to make sure our students are trained to be vigilant and always look for problematic literature,” said local 8th-grade teacher Lisa Bundergoob. “This list of hateful and transphobic books includes horrible titles like Irreversible Damage and The Cat In The Hat, which have no place in a progressive society and should be burned.”
Michigan Woman Let Her Teeth Rot Out And Somehow That’s The Fault Of Soda…

I have both been drinking both regular and Diet Mt. Dew and 7-Up for like 40+ years and I do not have rotted out jacked up meth addict looking teeth. Maybe she should floss more.
Via NYPost:
A Michigan woman says she lost all of her top teeth — thanks in part to her decade-long soda addiction.
Victoria Irene Nowakowski has warned others to maintain their dental health after her own chompers decayed to yellow nubs following years of drinking soda every day and smoking cigarettes.
“Dental hygiene is really and extremely important,” Nowakowski said in a series of TikTok videos.
Nowakowski said she was told in 2017 that she would need her entire top row of teeth removed and replaced with dentures.
“It was the lack of dental hygiene, not going to the dentist and the soda drinking,” Nowakowski said.
She said that at that point she had been drinking soda on a daily basis for a decade.
“I’ve been drinking Coca-Cola, dark soda, for like the last 10 years, every single day all day. I started smoking cigarettes four to five years ago,” she said.
Amazon Changes Its App Icon After People Complain It Looks Like Hitler…

This is what’s wrong with the world today. Insanity has become the norm in this “woke” society.
Via NY Post:
Amazon has changed its new smartphone app logo after critics said the earlier incarnation was a dead-ringer for Adolf Hitler.
The e-commerce giant introduced the new icon in January to replace the symbol of a shopping cart with one featuring a brown box with a jagged piece of blue tape above the company’s iconic smile-shaped arrow.
But sharp-eyed users noticed the tape disturbingly recalled the Führer’s toothbrush mustache.
“It’s not just a ripped scotch tape, it’s a ripped scotch tape that has a similar shape and is right on top of a smiling mouth. Looks like a happy little cardboard Adolf to me,” one person said on Twitter.
“Amazon’s new app logo be lookin like they’re the THIRD most downloaded in the ‘Reich’ section,” another said, referring to the Nazi regime.
Users also took note of Amazon’s tweak, in which the blue tape was made to look folded over.
Mike Rowe: All Workers Are Essential…
Mike Rowe would make a GREAT governor in California. He lives in San Francisco and how I wish he’d run because I know 100% he’d win and he could turn this state around.
New NJ Law Prohibits Police From Telling Parents Their Kid Was Busted For Underage Drinking Or Smoking Marijuana…

You are no longer allowed to raise your own kids, the state is doing that for you.
Via NY Post:
New Jersey minors caught with weed or booze won’t have to worry about getting grounded by Mom and Dad — as a new law legalizing marijuana bars police from telling parents if their kids were caught, and apparently extends to alcohol.
Gov. Phil Murphy signed a package of bills on Feb. 22 after a three-year legislative push to pave the way for a legal marketplace for marijuana in the state.
The decriminalization allows people to carry up to six ounces of pot but also limits how law enforcement can interact with anyone under the now-legal age of 21 when it comes to suspicion of using marijuana.
Six Dr Seuss Books Won’t Be Published Because The Publisher Says They Are Racist…

Check it out, these books are being sold on Ebay for over $500. Ain’t capitalism GREAT!
Via NY Post:
The company that publishes Dr. Seuss’ children’s books said it will stop selling six of his titles because they contain racist and insensitive images.
Dr. Seuss Enterprises — the firm charged with preserving and protecting the beloved author’s legacy — told the Associated Press that it decided to scrap the books because they “portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong.”
“Ceasing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ catalog represents and supports all communities and families,” the company told the outlet in a statement Tuesday, which is also the author’s birthday.
Press Sec Refuses To Deny That ‘Biden Sold Out America’s Children To The Teachers Union’…
DHS Chief: ‘There Is No Crisis At The Border’…
John Brennan: ‘I Am Increasingly Embarrassed To Be a White Male These Days’…
California Offered $2 Billion Incentive To Get Kids Back In Schools…

Via NPR:
More California students may return to in-person learning after legislators promised $2 billion to public schools that return to campus before the end of the month.
Most of California’s 6.1 million students and 319,000 teachers haven’t set foot in a classroom since the pandemic shut down schools across the state last March. But Gov. Gavin Newsom worked with Senate and Assembly leaders to announce a $6.6 billion aid package Monday.
The majority of those funds come with no strings attached, but $2 billion is dedicated to personal protective equipment, ventilation upgrades and other safety measures required to support in-person instruction, a news release said.
Public schools will be required to offer in-person learning to all kindergarten through second grade students, as well as high-needs students in all grades, by the end of the month. Those that don’t meet that standard will lose 1% of eligible funds every day they are not in compliance. The other $4.6 billion will fund learning opportunities such as summer school, tutoring and mental health services to help close learning gaps.
New Cuomo Accuser Comes Forward With Pictures…
California Is 1984
Newsom Reaches Deal To Bring California Kids Back To School…

Via NBC:
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California’s public schools could tap into $6.6 billion from the Legislature if they return to in-person instruction by the end of March, according to a new agreement announced Monday between Gov. Gavin Newsom and the state’s legislative leaders.
California, the most populous state, has 1,037 public school districts, more than 6.1 million students and about 319,000 teachers.
Most public school classes have not been held in-person since March of last year because of the coronavirus. Many districts have struggled to reach agreements with teachers’ unions on the best way to return students and staff to the classroom.
NY Attorney General Says She’s Opening An Independent Investigation Into Cuomo…

Via CNN:
New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Monday that she has received the letter she needs to launch an independent investigation into claims of sexual harassment against Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
The letter was sent to James’ office by Beth Garvey, special counsel and senior adviser to Cuomo on Monday, and asks James to select an independent law firm to conduct an inquiry into “allegations of and circumstances surrounding sexual harassment claims made against the Governor.”
The letter also directs all New York state employees to cooperate fully with the review and notes that Cuomo will forgo weekly updates on the investigation, to which he would otherwise be entitled.
White House Confirms They Wouldn’t Take Action Against Saudi Arabia’s Over Murder Of Journalist…

The White House is holding firm on its decision not to punish Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, even as some critics accuse President Joe Biden of failing a crucial test of leadership.
“Our national security team believes that going after the network responsible for these actions is the best way to prevent a crime like this from ever happening again,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Monday.
“That is our objective,” Psaki said, pointing out that the Biden administration has levied sanctions and restrictions against a slew of Saudi figures.
But so far, the White House is not going after one prominent figure involved in Khashoggi’s murder: the crown prince himself.
No Plan For Biden To Do His First Presser With Media
Virginia Has Inoculated 666,000 People…
Democrats, Once The Party Of Burning Bras And Anti-Censorship Are Now Exclusively The Party Of Censoring Others…

Via WSJ:
Imagine if a pair of Donald Trump’s allies in Congress had sent a letter to cable company CEOs in 2017 blasting CNN and other progressive media outlets and asking why their content is still broadcast. Then imagine that a GOP-run committee in Congress staged a hearing on the societal menace of fake news and the need for government and business to rein in the hostile press.
The media would have treated that as a five-alarm political fire, an existential threat to a free press, the First Amendment and political norms, and a step toward authoritarian rule. “Democracy dies in darkness,” and all that. Yet that’s exactly what Democrats in Congress did this week, targeting conservative media outlets, but the media reaction has been silence or approval.
Joe Biteme Housing Migrant Kids In Detention Camp Contaminated With Waste Despite Claiming Trump Was The Bad Guy For Doing That…

Cities In California Are Banning New Gas Stations From Opening…

Via Axios:
Petaluma, California, has voted to outlaw new gas stations, the first of what climate activists hope will be numerous cities and counties to do so.
Why it matters: Expect more such ordinances, particularly in liberal towns. Grassroots groups are popping up with the mission of spreading this type of ban and forcing pollution cleanups at existing gas stations.
The movement aims to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles.
“This is not a ban on the existing gas stations, which are providing all the gas currently needed,” Matt Krogh, U.S. oil and gas campaign director for the environmental group Stand.earth, tells Axios.
“The problem with allowing new gas stations is we don’t really need them and they’re putting existing gas stations out of business.”
Driving the news: In Petaluma — where neighborhood opposition to a new Safeway gas station prompted years of litigation — the council voted unanimously last week to move forward with a permanent ban on new stations; a final vote will happen Monday.
NY Times Journalist: Journalists Are Jackals…

Via Medium:
I’m publishing my thoughts here on Medium because I know journalists.
We make America what it is — without a free press, democracy dies. But we’re still jackals. We can befriend you for years, and then bite off your arm just as you’re offering us a treat. We can’t help it. It’s the nature of the job.At the highest levels, like Watergate, it’s about digging for the truth, no matter what corrupt government official it hurts. At the basest level, when even the crummiest scandal erupts, you have to repeat the accusation, even if you know it’s untrue or half-true, in order to explain the truth — no matter how much you may personally like the source you’re hurting.
That’s the game. I’m somewhat relieved to be out of it. But after 50 years, if you count writing for my high school magazine, I’ll probably never be able to shake the habits.
Joe Biteme Says He’s Disappointed After Iran Refuses His Lame Offer To Be BBF Again…

Via CNN:
The Biden administration is disappointed after Iran rejected an offer by the European Union to partake in nuclear talks with the US and the other signatories of the nuclear deal on Sunday, but said they remain open to diplomacy with Iran.
“While we are disappointed at Iran’s response, we remain ready to reengage in meaningful diplomacy to achieve a mutual return to compliance with JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) commitments,” a White House spokesperson said.
“We will be consulting with our P5+1 partners on the best way forward,” the spokesperson added. The P5+1 refers to the permanent members of the UN Security Council — China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States — and Germany.
The Wall Street Journal first reported on Iran’s rejection.Iran’s rejection of the Biden administration’s first effort to jumpstart diplomacy and begin drawing both Iran and the US back into compliance with the nuclear deal signals how long and complicated the diplomatic process aimed at salvaging the deal is expected to be.
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