When News Breaks, We Fix It.

Cuomo Hires Criminal Defense Lawyer

This is big, and it’s NOT about sexual harassment.

Via: WSJ

The administration of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has retained a prominent white-collar defense attorney as it grapples with allegations of sexual harassment and Justice Department inquiries into Covid-19 deaths in the state’s nursing homes.

Elkan Abramowitz, a one-time federal prosecutor, confirmed he was representing the Executive Chamber—which comprises the governor and his closest aides—in both the sexual harassment and nursing-home matters. Rich Azzopardi, a senior adviser to Mr. Cuomo, deferred comment to Mr. Abramowitz.

The Democratic governor faces an investigation overseen by State Attorney General Letitia James into whether he sexually harassed women who previously worked in his administration. Mr. Cuomo acknowledged he had sometimes been overly personal while interacting with staff and said he was sorry if anyone mistook it for unwanted flirtation.

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Defying A Deadly Crackdown, Myanmar Election Riots Continue After Army Coup…

Via AP News:

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — Police in Myanmar’s biggest city fired tear gas Monday at defiant crowds who returned to the streets to protest last month’s coup, despite reports that security forces had killed at least 18 people a day earlier.

The protesters in Yangon were chased as they tried to gather at their usual meeting spot at the Hledan Center intersection. Demonstrators scattered and sought in vain to rinse the irritating gas from their eyes, but later regrouped.

The coup reversed years of slow progress toward democracy in Myanmar after five decades of military rule. It came Feb. 1, the same day a newly elected Parliament was supposed to take office. Ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s party would have led that government, but instead she was detained along with President Win Myint and other senior officials.

The army has leveled several charges against Suu Kyi — an apparent effort by the military to provide a legal veneer for her detention and potentially to bar her from running in the election the junta has promised to hold in one year. On Monday, Suu Kyi made a court appearance via videoconference and was charged with two more offenses, her lawyer Khin Maung Zaw told reporters.

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NY Sheriff Continues Their Brave Work Of Busting Up Illegal Parties…

Via Fox News:

NEW YORK – More than 350 people across New York City were busted for attending large, illegal gatherings early Sunday morning, the New York City Sheriff announced.

Just after 2 a.m., Deputy Sheriffs shut down an unlicensed bar/club with over 200 people in attendance at 1 Harrison Street in TriBeCa. The bar had no liquor license and had various health code violations. Three people were arrested and charged with various misdemeanors, liquor, and health offenses.

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Creepy Old Interview With Andrew Cuomo Resurfaces…

Doctor Appears In Zoom Traffic Court While Conducting Surgery…

Via AP:

The Medical Board of California said it would investigate a plastic surgeon who appeared in a videoconference for his traffic violation trial while operating.

The Sacramento Bee reports Dr. Scott Green appeared Thursday for his Sacramento Superior Court trial, held virtually because of the coronavirus pandemic, from an operating room. He was dressed in surgical scrubs with a patient undergoing the procedure just out of view; the beeps of medical machinery can be heard in the background.

“Hello, Mr. Green? Hi. Are you available for trial?” asked a courtroom clerk as an officer summoned to appear in trial raised her eyebrows. “It kind of looks like you’re in an operating room right now?”

“I am, sir,” Green replied. “Yes, I’m in an operating room right now. Yes, I’m available for trial. Go right ahead.”

The clerk reminded Green the proceedings were being livestreamed because traffic trials are required by law to be open to the public, and Green said he understood. He appeared to continue working with his head down while waiting for Court Commissioner Gary Link to enter the chamber.

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Joe Biteme Stands By Calling Cuomo “The Gold Standard” Despite Scandals…

Joe Biteme Backs Studying Ways Of Giving Reparations For Slavery…

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s White House is giving its support to studying reparations for Black Americans, boosting Democratic lawmakers who are renewing efforts to create a commission on the issue amid the stark racial disparities highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

A House panel heard testimony Wednesday on legislation that would create a commission to examine the history of slavery in the U.S. as well as the discriminatory government policies that affected former slaves and their descendants. The commission would recommend ways to educate the American public of its findings and suggest appropriate remedies, including financial payments from the government to compensate descendants of slaves for years of unpaid labor by their ancestors.

Biden backs the idea of studying the issue, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday, though she stopped short of saying he would sign the bill if it clears Congress.

“He certainly would support a study of reparations,” Psaki said at the White House briefing. “He understands we don’t need a study to take action right now on systemic racism, so he wants to take actions within his own government in the meantime.”

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Another School District Cancels Dr Seuss Over “Racial Undertones”

Via Washington Times:

Another day, another cancellation.

Yesterday, it was Mr. Potato Head. Today, it’s Dr. Seuss.

March 2 marks Read Across America Day, a national recognition of Dr. Seuss’ birthday for more than 20 years. Now, a liberal educator group dubbed “Learning for Justice” is demanding Dr. Seuss‘ books be stripped from school libraries because of their “racial undertones.”

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President Trump & Governor Ron DeSantis Top CPAC Straw Poll List…

How Trump's Florida 'field general' got kneecapped - POLITICO

Via Washington Times:

President Trump is the early leader among conservatives for the GOP’s 2024 presidential nomination, according to The Washington Times/CPAC poll released Sunday — but even if he’s not at the top of the ticket, conservatives said the Trump agenda must be continued.

Asked flatly whether they want to see Mr. Trump run again, 68% said “Yes,” making him the clear leader.

And when stacked up against a list of 20 other names in the straw poll, Mr. Trump was the pick of 55%, distantly followed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who likely enjoyed a favorite son advantage at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, being held in Orlando.

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President Trump At CPAC…


VIDEO: Woman Attacked In The Streets Of Of Portland For Daring To Tell Antifa To Go F**k Itself…

Boston Public Schools Cancel AP Classes For All Students Because Too Many Are White/Asian…

Can’t make this crap up.

Via WGBH Boston:

A selective program for high-performing fourth, fifth and sixth graders in Boston has suspended enrollment due to the pandemic and concerns about equity in the program, GBH News has learned.

Superintendent Brenda Cassellius recommended the one-year hiatus for the program, known as Advanced Work Classes, saying the district would not proceed with the program for new students next year.

“There’s been a lot of inequities that have been brought to the light in the pandemic that we have to address,” Cassellius told GBH News. “There’s a lot of work we have to do in the district to be antiracist and have policies where all of our students have a fair shot at an equitable and excellent education.”

New students will be admitted in the fourth grade by standards to be determined at the school level, according to a BPS spokesman.

There will be no new students admitted in the fifth or sixth grades, the spokesman said, but those already in advanced work will be allowed to continue.

A district analysis of the program found that more than 70 percent of students enrolled in the program were white and Asian, even though nearly 80 percent of all Boston public school students are Hispanic and Black.

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Views: 24

By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.