Children Smiling

How can so many people not be wanting to rush these people’s houses and string them up? Where is the outrage. Why is it so hard for people to really get this through their sheeple heads. These sick FUCK globalists give two shits about you and your children. Save the children people. If no one looks at this video I am going to fucking scream. Send this to as many people as you can and make them watch. Make them realize what kind of dire straights we are truly in. The only way out is us the “normal” real people. We out number these sick FUCKS. This is why they keep these projects quiet. This is why they hide all their nasty doings like on Epstein Island and Diddy’s house. All hidden because if you really knew the truth you would and should string those fuckers up. Wake up NOW. Send this to everyone you know and make them see while you are on a zoom call with them. Make the understand this is information that is not false. Why is it called an investigation when the government looks into your actions but a conspiracy when you investigate the government? Wake the FUCK up now. Save the children.

If you are really confused at everything going on take this note and pick one important thing to accomplish. This is to SAVE THE CHILDREN. It is really simple people. Save the children is the best goal you can ever have. Children should never be subjected to sexual anything. These people are groomers grooming you and your children to allow them to literal FUCK children and make it so you cannot do anything about it.