Skull and Bones

Beyoncé will be the subject of a new course at Yale University next year called “Beyoncé Makes History: Black Radical Tradition, Culture, Theory & Politics Through Music.” It’s only proper, as the institution is home to the Satanic secret society known as Skull & Bones, which includes the last 3 Bush patriarchs as members, John Kerry and Hunter Biden.

Let’s not forget Beyoncé’s bisexual husband is a Freemason who has participated in Spirit Cooking sessions with famed witch Marina Abramovic, a visual ”artist” notorious for her Satanic works and her involvement in the Pizzagate scandal along with the Clintons and the Podestas. All these elite child sex trafficking rings are connected.

Jay-Z and Beyoncé are currently shaking in their boots as their intimate friend and SRA party organizer Diddy has been arrested and under federal custody, the only difference between the two is that, whereas Diddy has been rambunctious and public, Jay-Z has tried to maintain a low enough profile to shield his criminal activities.

The woke virus MUST be eradicated from Western society as it is nothing but an ideology that intends to destroy the bodies, minds, and souls of young people by infecting them with radical ideas. The only solution at this point is to legislate a prohibition of such ideologies in colleges and CERTAINLY in high schools and even middle schools.

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