⚠️As Speaker Johnson & The Uniparty Swamp Pass This New $1.2 TRILLION Spending Bill, Remember:
It’s Been Exposed That Corporations Write Bills Like These, NOT Legislators
“Corporations sitting at the tables & writing the legislation”
“We can’t show you what’s behind this closed door. A place where legislators and corporate lobbyists have an equal vote. A place they don’t want you to see you.”
“Need to be credentialed at registered.”
“We are credentialed. We are Georgia.”
- Elite Brain Surgeon got CANCELED for Exposing blue light DARPA tech for mind control..
- Georgia Tann kidnapped and sold thousands of children on the black market!
- They Totally Made Them Say These Things Hilarious OMG Please listen and hold onto your chair
- Oh Look A Real Plane Crash With Wreckage And Everything