
  • Children forced away from their parents
  • Children bowing to tyrany
  • Long lines for Covid tests in all weather
  • People rioting and protesting the lockdowns and mandatory tests
  • Drivers forcing their ways through check points
  • Chinese police arresting people for invalid Covid designation in app

Driver full speed through a blockade
Protests are also affecting Chongqing tonight in southwestern China
Many police are deployed to Guangzhou in the Haizhu district following a new demonstration
As capital projects go, building internment camps is pretty bold
A truck fleet in Beijing transporting 8,000 isolation pods to build a new quarantine camp.
Child bowing to tyrant
Child being forced in exile because of covid
Shanghai people were chanting and singing. Slogans being shouted including we went freedom not virus check. we want democracy not dictatorship. Take down the CCP
Chants of End the lockdown – people gather at King Pingxi’s Palace in Beijing
The people of Wuhan also mobilized, gathered in Hanzheng Street to protest, and fought with the police
Residents take to the streets of Wuhan against strict restrictions in Hankou, in the west of the city
Protests against the restrictions are growing in China’s Xinjiang province. Pictures from tonight in the city of Korla part2
people in line at creamatoriam Guys, we know for fact that we can’t trust the seeseepee. Is this an attempt to save face on the recent mass protests by k☠️lling their own
People forcibly taken for invalid covid test
People being detained

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