Last week under the cover of darkness, Congressional Democrats released a 2,741 page government funding bill at 1:30 AM Thursday morning. Gun Owners of America rushed around to try and analyze the bill and discovered, sure enough buried on pages 2207-2213, found some pretty disturbing aspects of this legislation that should be of great concern to all law abiding gun owners. GOA quickly went to work and alerted activists nationwide to take action. 

Despite their best efforts, the gun control passed 260-171 with the support of 39 Republicans later that same day around 10PM.

This year’s government appropriations bill includes two major gun control restrictions you need to be made aware of.

Background Checks Are About to Get Worse

Sections 1101-1102 of the bill are known as the NICS Denial Notification Act to make the existing background check system even more dysfunctional than it currently is. 

As you well know, the current NICS background check system is broken beyond belief. 

Nine out of ten times, when someone is denied a gun purchase by the NICS system, it’s a law-abiding citizen who was wrongly denied their right to purchase a firearm. 

Because 90 percent of NICS denials each year are false positives, the government gets less than a few dozen convictions of prohibited persons who were stupid enough to try to buy a gun at a gun store. 

Even so, Congress seems intent on passing the NICS Denial Notification Act which, in a nutshell instructs ATF to help local law enforcement launch CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into each and every single NICS denial—including all of those false-positive denials. According to the language of the bill itself it “would require federal authorities to alert state and local law enforcement within 24 hours when an ineligible individual lies on a background check and tries to purchase a firearm” including the vast majority which have in fact, NOT lied on their background check but have been wrongly denied because the system is so out of whack.

So basically, if this passes, you better hope the NICS system doesn’t falsely deny you your next gun purchase otherwise you are in a heap of trouble! And please make no mistake, that is the intention of this new police power. This is an effort to discourage you from practicing your right to keep and bear arms, PERIOD!

Watch this short video from Boom Stick Tactical for more details……

But Wait, There’s More…

Additionally, the government spending bill’s Section 1103 also contains a funding program for ATF to begin deputizing local law enforcement officers to enforce federal gun control laws. ATF can also appoint local government attorneys to help prosecute the enforcement of this gun control as well. 

This runs in direct contradiction to the Second Amendment Sanctuary Laws that so many of us have been pushing around the country at the state and local level.

States like Missouri and Idaho have passed the STRONGEST Second Amendment Protection laws which prohibit funding for gun control and/or include criminal or civil penalties for government agents and/or agencies that enforce unconstitutional gun control. More than a dozen other states have similar statutes.  

And yet, Congress is facilitating the enforcement of federal gun laws with local ATF “deputies” to exert federal control at the local level which even a 3rd grader could tell you is in violation of the 10th Amendment! 

What Happens Next?

Government funding will likely be extended until March 15th, so we have five days maximum to defeat this gun control in the Senate where it has major support from Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Tx), Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fl).

Senator Chris Coons, (D-Del), introduced the U.S. Senate version last December with the support of Rubio and Tom Carper, (D-Del), Susan Collins, (R-Maine) John Cornyn, (R-Tx), Tammy Duckworth, (D-Ill), Amy Klobuchar, (D-Minn), James Lankford, (R-Okla), and Joe Manchin, (D-WV).

House Republicans Who Voted FOR Gun Control

Here is a list of the 39 Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted FOR criminal investigations into 100% of false-positive background check denials and FOR your local police to be deputized as ATF agents in clear violation of the Constitution: 

Representative Party State Vote 
Amodei  Republican Nevada Yea 
Bice (OK)  Republican Oklahoma Yea 
Brady  Republican Texas Yea 
Calvert  Republican California Yea 
Carl  Republican Alabama Yea 
Carter (TX)  Republican Texas Yea 
Cole  Republican Oklahoma Yea 
Diaz-Balart  Republican Florida Yea 
Fitzpatrick  Republican Pennsylvania Yea 
Fleischmann  Republican Tennessee Yea 
Garcia (CA)  Republican California Yea 
Gimenez  Republican Florida Yea 
Gonzales, Tony  Republican Texas Yea 
Gonzalez (OH)  Republican Ohio Yea 
Granger  Republican Texas Yea 
Herrera Beutler  Republican Washington Yea 
Hinson  Republican Iowa Yea 
Joyce (OH)  Republican Ohio Yea 
Katko  Republican New York Yea 
Kim (CA)  Republican California Yea 
Kinzinger  Republican Illinois Yea 
Malliotakis  Republican New York Yea 
McCaul  Republican Texas Yea 
Meijer  Republican Michigan Yea 
Miller-Meeks  Republican Iowa Yea 
Newhouse  Republican Washington Yea 
Reed  Republican New York Yea 
Reschenthaler  Republican Pennsylvania Yea 
Rogers (KY)  Republican Kentucky Yea 
Rutherford  Republican Florida Yea 
Salazar  Republican Florida Yea 
Sessions  Republican Texas Yea 
Simpson  Republican Idaho Yea 
Steel  Republican California Yea 
Turner  Republican Ohio Yea 
Upton  Republican Michigan Yea 
Valadao  Republican California Yea 
Womack  Republican Arkansas Yea 
Young  Republican Alaska Yea 

If any of these pro-gun control GOP traitors represent you in Congress, the GOA action alert will send them a special message to scold them for their opposition to the Second Amendment when you add your name to those like minded gun owners at Gun Owners of America.

Help Hold Congress Accountable!

As mentioned earlier, the Senate will vote on the government funding bill before Wednesday of next week—so there isn’t much time. 

Remember that, just yesterday a few Representatives were loud enough and fought hard enough that Biden’s updated COVID relief was struck from the bill. If we make enough noise these draconian, UN-American gun control provisions can be removed as well.

In the Senate, earmarks and all sorts of nonsense are being negotiated as we speak! We MUST act now!

The usual suspects are out there supporting this bull-crap. The same tyrants you’ll always find lurking around such dangerous legislation: The Fraternal Order of Police, the Major Cities Chiefs Association, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, the National District Attorneys Association, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Everytown for Gun Safety and Giffords are all backing the proposal.

We just need REAL American Patriots to PUSHBACK!

There is still time for Congress to strip the gun control from this funding bill BUT you have to get into the fight. 

That’s why its critical for you and every gun owner you know to take action to oppose this bill. 

Let’s all help Gun Owners of America hold Congress accountable!

And if you have time, please call your two Senators and encourage them to oppose this anti-gun spending bill. You can be directed to their offices by calling the Senate Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.