Teen Forced to Get VaxxedTeen Forced to Get Vaxxed

Yes this is a lot to handle right now but people need to be aware of what is happening. I find it so disgusting that parents do not look into the future of their children. These parents need to be punished in some way for their lack of true parenting skills. Either that or they are seriously compromised with the Sheepl disease. It is more likely the Sheeple disease.

Stop watching MSM. Stop paying attention to that criminal Fauci. Pay attention to others who have warned you to look into these vaxxes for yourself.

The following are tragedies that should have never happened. Any tragedy or death like this should never happen period. The people who pushed these vaxxes out and the people who produced them, and anyone else who is promoting in any way these vaxxes should and better be tried for Nuremberg code.

⚠️ 12 year old girl, 22 days after Pfizer injection

⚠️ 13 year old female, 15 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 17 year old girl, 33 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 16 year old girl, days until death after Pfizer injection not noted

⚠️ 17 year old girl, 36 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 16 year old girl, 9 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 16 year old girl, 2 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 5 year old girl, 4 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 16 year old boy, 8 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 15 year old girl, onset on day of Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 13 year old boy, 2 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 15 year old boy, 4 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 17 year old girl, days until death after Pfizer injection not noted

⚠️ 14 year old boy, 38 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 16 year old boy, 6 days after Pfizer injection

⚠️ 1 year old girl, 2 days after Pfizer injection (age incorrect):

⚠️ Foetal death (usually not included as a death), 7 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 16 year old girl, days until death not noted:

⚠️ 17 year old boy, 9 days after Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 15 year old boy, on day of Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 13 year old boy, on day of Pfizer injection:

⚠️ 12 year old boy, on day of Pfizer injection:

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