organ harvestingorgan harvesting

Yeah this headline is true. This is why Israel is last. What most people don’t understand is how bad things really are and especially in some countries.

ISRAEL: Organ Trafficking Capital of the World

NYT Finds ‘Disproportionate Role’ of Israelis in World Organ Trafficking

Israel Became Hub in International Organ Trade Over Past Decade

Israel Is the Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking Capital of the World

Israel: Ringleader of Ghoulish Human Organ Trafficking Syndicate

Israeli organ-smuggling ‘mastermind’ arrested in Cyprus

Israeli arrested in Rome for organ trafficking

Jewish American Convicted of Organ Trafficking

How US Rabbis & Israel Traffic In Human Organs & Money Laundering

Israel Special Investigations Unit busts organ trafficking ring

Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent

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