Let’s make more reasons for more fake effects for more fake reason for the fake demonrats and RINOs. How much fake stuff can you shovel in order to get the most attention you can to make things look worse than it ever was with your fake ass reasons?

No seriously how can these people push racism, womanism, sexism, and what ever else they feel is a good idea to deflect from their problems. Let’s make up something to ail you so we can look caring and all sorts of SH%T lol.

You know that is what they do is laugh at all of the idiots who still fall for their lies. They laugh all the way to the bank after the money is washed by all their fake causes, their fake everything.

Well it is getting deep and I better start shoveling before I drown in it. I am not even saying these things but their pile of crap is so big it overflows everywhere. And if you fall for their shit you will surely drown in it.

message to demonrats
message to demonrats
Weinstein and the girls
Weinstein and the girls

California AIDS Office Workers Stole $2.7 Million While No One Was Watching

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