A teenage girl known only as Sirin, barely escaped with her life from two radical Islamic kidnappers last week in Turkey.

Video footage of the moment shows the 19-year-old dangling her legs from a high window before jumping from the building in the Turkish city of Antalya on Thursday.

She told a harrowing story of being kidnapped by two Iranian men who beat, tortured and raped her for hours before she was able to slip out of an apartment window 30 feet in the air where she dangled for a moment before she fell. She landed on the hood of a parked car before rolling into the filthy gutter of the busy street.

Miraculously she survived, but suffered severe injuries not only from the fall but from her long ordeal at the hands of two men who planned on selling her into slavery.

The Daily Mail reported the story and has the video…

Before the jump, passersby, not understanding she was allegedly in danger, tried to urge her to go back inside and called police. Sirin had been screaming for help before making the 30ft drop.

One of the witnesses reported the girl could be heard screaming that she wanted to die rather than spend one more moment in what can only be described as a real life horror movie.

Sahin Iyidilli, who witnessed Sirin’s jump, told Turkish news site Haberler: ‘I was sitting in the kitchen when I heard shouting outside. When I looked out the window, I heard her yelling “I want to die”‘.

While Turkey is a Muslim nation, it’s still more civilized than most and this is still considered a serious crime, however as a result of unfettered Islamic immigration from the Middle East this type of terrorist activity has become a regular occurrence throughout Europe.

The 19-year-old woman jumped from the building in the Turkish city of Antalya on Thursday
Paramedics arrived to help the young girl who had fallen 30 feet.
Sirin survived the fall, but was seriously injured and pictures show her wearing a neck brace and being carried away on a stretcher by paramedics
She survived the fall, but was seriously injured and pictures show her wearing a neck brace and being carried away on a stretcher by paramedics.
She was taken to hospital for treatment and her current condition is not known
She was taken to hospital for treatment and her current condition is not known

‘We tried to convince her not to jump, but she wouldn’t listen,’ another witness, Yilmaz Aktas, said.  ‘Officers arrived, but I don’t think she believed they were police.’

‘I think she jumped out of fear. She said she had been tortured. She was asking for help,’ he said.

An investigation into the incident is ongoing and Sirin’s current condition is not known.  

And because of the Biden administrations open borders policy, including the recent airlift of tens of thousands of un-vetted, so called, refugees from Afghanistan it will undoubtedly become a regular occurrence in the U.S. as well.

The safety and security of the American people are of little to no importance to the Marxist Democrat party in their quest for more power. As long as we keep electing them they’ll continue this reckless endeavor of importing future Democrat voters from any shit-hole country on God’s green earth.   

By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.