Among the $85 billion worth of US military equipment Joe Biden and the Democrats turned over to our Taliban enemies were dozens of helicopters.

The hundreds of thousands of weapons, vehicles, aircraft and uniforms left behind for the Taliban

And it looks as if terrorist savages have found at least one use for these sophisticated and extravagantly expensive aircraft that Americans might never have thought of. For example, here’s how they use a $6 million Blackhawk according to the Daily Mail….

A video shared online appears to show Taliban forces flying a $6million US Black Hawk helicopter over Kandahar to patrol the city.

The footage was shared on Twitter by an account called Talib Times which claims to be the official news source for the Islamic Emirate Afghanistan.

The unverified footage shows a man hanging from a helicopter as it flies over Kandahar ahead of the US’s exit from Afghanistan. 

The man hanging from the helicopter could very well be one of the many Americans Joe Biden and the Democrats left behind.

By Howard Roark

Howard Roark is a Senior Fellow with the Kirby Institute and editor of The Deplorable Patriot. He’s a second amendment advocate, avid shooter, hunter, fisherman, fur trapper, writer, artist, poet, and inventor of the wall port central vacuum cleaner system. He is both a moral and a practical man and is fully committed to the artistic integrity of every one of his endeavors or projects whether working as a common laborer in a rock quarry or operating a Fortune 500 design firm.