If you just couldn’t get enough of the pointless Covid lockdowns that wrecked the economy, cost us $trillions, caused a mental health epidemic among young people and cost the lives tens of thousands of elderly lives in New York, you surely will love the climate change lockdowns that are coming up next.
Because the climate has always changed and always will, the climate change lockdowns will never have to end.
Tucker Carlson gives us a little sneak preview of what the leftst/Marxist elite has planned for us, now that they know how m any people will just eat it up:
Exploiting the so called “crisis of Covid” and the imaginary crisis of anthropogenic climate change as pretexts to “build back better” is known among Biden’s handlers and the Davos crowd as the Great Reset.
This next lockdown entails a level of tyranny that would have made Stalin and Hitler gasp in horror.
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