We as US citizens and world citizens MUST hold the politicians to what we want not what they want. This reason is because politicians are too easily swayed by outside forces like other governments, the Central Banks, big business, and big tech and others that do not have your interests in their thoughts. The politicians are placed there by us not them. The Great Reset is the push for a world government that is not elected. We need to push back hard and take back what is ours as citizens. Take back the power now vote them out, protest, and more.
Get Ready For The Witch Hunt The 147 Republicans Who Voted to Overturn Election Results
Kamala Harris Causes Cringe Detectors to Explode During Naval Academy Speech
Biden Frees Al Qaeda Ally Who Plotted to Smuggle Nukes Into US
Wokeness at Fed’s regional banks puts central bank independence at risk
BLM Leaders in Their Own Words
Gillibrand: ‘We Want to Ban Assault Rifles and Large Magazines’