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Supreme Court Rule On Lawsuit Over Pennsylvania Presidential Election Results: Moot To Consider This As Someone Else Has Already Won…

Freakin’ cowards!

Via NY Slimes

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a last-ditch attempt by former President Donald J. Trump to shield his financial records, issuing a brief, unsigned order requiring Mr. Trump’s accountants to turn over his tax and other records to prosecutors in New York.

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As Soon As Joe Biteme Was Installed, CNN Immediately Ditched It’s “Fact Checker”…

Via Mediaite:

CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale was one of the busiest people in the cable news business for several years, but he has almost completely disappeared from the network’s programming over the past month or so. What happened?

Dale became a veritable household name among cable news viewers during Trump’s presidency after his work for the Toronto Star, tallying and debunking false or misleading statements by Trump, landed him a national gig with CNN.

Since joining CNN in June of 2019, Dale has appeared or been mentioned on the network more than once every other day on average, according to the Internet Archive.

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WH Refuses To Condemn Cuomo’s Nursing Home Deaths Cover-Up…

GOP Rep. Turner On Pelosi’s Capitol Fence: This Is The Woman Who Said Walls Were ‘Immoral’….

Family Of Child Who Died Of Hypothermia During Texas Storm Sues Electric Company For $100 Million…


CONROE, Texas — A Conroe family whose young son died during the winter storm has enlisted to help of high-profile attorney Tony Buzbee in their lawsuit against ERCOT and Entergy.

The lawsuit alleges gross negligence by the power grid operator and the electricity provider, saying it led to the death of 11-year-old Christian Pavon.

The boy died Tuesday after spending the night in his frigid mobile home that lost power.

The lawsuit says Christian died of hypothermia, and the family is asking for more than $100 million in damages.

Medical examiners have not yet released his cause of death.

Entergy released the following statement on the lawsuit:

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These Are the Roughly 200 Businesses Whose Leaders Are Backing Gun Control Initiatives

These Are the Roughly 200 Businesses Whose Leaders Are Backing Gun Control Initiatives

Let these companies know you’re not doing business with them ever again if they continue to support efforts to nullify your God given rights enshrined in our constitution. Period.

Via Town Hall

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms launched an initiative last year aimed at providing information to Second Amendment-loving Americans. The goal was to provide a comprehensive list of companies and/or CEOs who back gun control initiatives and legislation or have anti-firearm corporate policies in place.

“When we started this project last year, we were actually surprised, and in some cases disappointed, at some of the businesses we added to the list,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said in a statement. “We discovered several brand name businesses and corporate leaders who evidently have a nefarious agenda to limit gun rights. Their current and potential patrons should have the knowledge of what their hard earned dollars are actually funding.”

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Ron DeSantis: Flags Will Be At Half-Staff For Rush Limbaugh

Image result for RON DESANTIS

As they should be.

Via Florida Politics

Gov. Ron DeSantis confirmed expectations that he would order flags to half staff to memorialize the death of radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who was a Florida resident.

The lowering will happen when funeral arrangements are announced, which DeSantis spokesperson Meredith Beatrice confirmed was protocol.

For those tracking the Governor’s messaging in the days since the conservative talk show host died of lung cancer on Ash Wednesday, the lowering of the flag represents tribute, recognition, and respect for the man regarded by many as the standard bearer of American conservatism.

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Jobless Claims Jump to 861,000, Much Worse Than Expected On Joe Bitemes Watch

US President Joe Biden speaks during a meeting with labor leaders about the American Rescue Plan, the administration's coronavirus response bill, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, on February 17, 2021. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Maybe THIS should be reported instead of Ted Cruz’s dumb trip to Cancun??

Via Breitbart

New weekly jobless claims unexpectedly rose by 13,000 to 861,000 in the week that ended February 13, the Department of Labor said Thursday.

Economists had expected claims to fall to 768,00 from the 793,000 initially reported for the prior week. The previous week’s figure was revised up by 55,000 to 848,000.

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Frightening Video Shows Airplane Engine On Fire After Pilot Declares ‘MAYDAY’ Just Minutes Into Flight

A United Airlines flight bound for Honolulu was forced to make an emergency landing on Saturday after the Boeing 777-200 plane experienced a massive engine failure just minutes into flight.

‘We heard a gigantic boom and, as we did that, we saw a huge puff of smoke and then stuff started falling out of the sky’

It’s Said It Started With Bats… What Animal Will Cause The Next Big Covid Outbreak?

Via NY Post

Cats, rabbits and hedgehogs have all been implicated in a new study that aims to predict the animals most likely to launch the next deadly COVID-19 outbreak.

With the help of artificial intelligence, biologists were able to design a prediction model that could prioritize potential hosts of virus strains already known to exist, but have not yet reached humans.

“We want to know where the next coronavirus might come from,” said Dr. Marcus Blagrove, a University of Liverpool virologist who worked on the study, the BBC reported.

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Time To Tell The Republican Establishment Elites Who’s Boss!

There’s no need for a 3rd party, we’re taking over this one, thank you!

Via Breitbart

Former President Donald Trump will soon begin screening 2022 midterm candidates who are eager to forward “America First” policies while ensuring every open Republican seat has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.

Trump has received dozens of requests from prospective candidates who wish to earn his support, and he is fielding them as he sees fit. Trump has rejected meetings with former South Carolina governor and 2024 hopeful Nikki Haley and with House and Senate GOP candidates vying for his ear.

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Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson Says He WILL NOT SUPPORT TRUMP!

Image result for Arkansas Governor [R] Asa Hutchinson Says He WILL NOT SUPPORT TRUMP

And who asked you? Asa, read the above post. You’re done. We don’t need you anymore.

Via The Hill

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) said Sunday that he would not support former President Trump if he ran for the White House again in 2024, pointing to the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union,” the Republican governor was asked by host Dana Bash if he would vote for Trump should the former president run in 2024.

“No, I wouldn’t. It’s time,” Hutchinson responded.

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Coca-Cola Hit With Backlash Over ‘Try To Be Less White’ Training Course

This woke/P.C./Racist bullshit’s wearing thin, besides Pepsi’s better anyway…

Via The Blaze

Coca-Cola found itself at the center of controversy on Friday after a viral social media post revealed that some Coca-Cola employees completed a racial sensitivity training course that teaches participants how to “be less white.”

One of the slides in the course titled, “Confronting Racism,” states, “Understanding What it Means to Be White, Challenging What it Means to Be Racist.”

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Bill Gates Continues To Talk Shit About Something But Nobody Really Cares…

There’s a link below to something he’s yapping about now, if you wanna click on it go ahead but we don’t give a shit...

Via Some Website

Yada, yada yada yada…….

Blah, blah, blah…..

Keep Reading if give a rats ass….

Lauren Boebert Becoming Democrats’ Most Loathed House Republican as 2022 Challengers Line Up

A major sign of Boebert’s effectiveness….

Via Wash. Examiner

Rep. Lauren Boebert may soon replace Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene as Democrats’ most hated and demonized House Republican.

With the dust settling on the Greene controversy after Democrats stripped her of committee assignments over her past statements in support of conspiracy theories, it is the gun-toting, high heels-wearing, Beto O’Rourke-confronting Colorado congresswoman who is drawing a steady wave of Democratic critics.

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Disney Placed An “Offensive Content” Warning On Episodes Of The Muppet Show.”

Disney is concerned that ‘The Muppet Show’ is offensive. But filming where China runs concentration camps for Uighurs? Disney is okay with that.

Via NY Post

Anyone who streams “The Muppet Show” on Disney+ will see a declaimer first — warning of “offensive content.”

Disney released five seasons of the iconic show for streaming on Friday, allowing viewers to enjoy watching Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear and their celebrity guests as part of its $6.99-a-month service.

The disclaimer shown prior to each episode warns viewers that the show features “stereotypes” and “mistreatment of people or cultures.”

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Media Informs Ted Cruz You Can Only Travel During A Crisis If You’re A Democrat

Satire Via Babylon Bee

Ted Cruz is really ignorant of how to be a politician. The guy traveled during a crisis in his state, and he isn’t even a Democrat.

What an idiot!

The media informed Cruz of his faux pas as soon as he landed in the Yucatán Peninsula, shouting at him that he’s not allowed to travel during a crisis, since he has an “R” next to his name.

Keep Laughing…

Who’s Really Behind The Covid 19 Plandemic?

Customs Inspectors Find Cocaine Laced Corn Flakes In Ohio…


US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) seized a shipment of cereal from South America that was covered in cocaine instead of sugar. CBP officers in Cincinnati, Ohio, intercepted the package on February 13 containing about 44 pounds of cocaine-coated corn flakes, according to a news release.

While working on incoming freight from Peru, a CPD narcotic detector dog named Bico flagged the cereal shipment going to a private residence in Hong Kong.

Upon further inspection, officers found and tested white powder on the cereal that was positive for cocaine.

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Planes Engine Explodes Mid-Air, Parts Strewn Over Colorado…

Via AP:

David Delucia was settling back into his airplane seat and starting to relax on his way to a long-awaited vacation when a huge explosion and flash of light interrupted an in-flight announcement and put him in survival mode.

The Boeing 777-200, headed from Denver to Honolulu on Saturday with 231 passengers and 10 crew aboard, suffered a catastrophic failure in its right engine and flames erupted under the wing as the plane began to lose altitude.

As Delucia and his wife prepared for the worst, people in this Denver suburb reacted in horror as huge pieces of the engine casing and chunks of fiberglass rained down on a sports fields and on streets and lawns, just missing one home and crushing a truck. The explosion, visible from the ground, left a trail of black smoke in the sky, and tiny pieces of insulation filled the air like ash.

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Almost Half Of Republicans Would Join Party Started By President Trump…

Via The Hill:

Nearly half of Republicans say they would abandon the party as it is currently structured and join a new party if former President Trump was its leader, according to a new poll released Sunday.

A Suffolk University-USA Today poll found that 46 percent of Republicans said they would abandon the GOP and join the Trump party if the former president decided to create one. Only 27 percent said they would stay with the GOP, with the remainder indicating they would be undecided.

“We feel like Republicans don’t fight enough for us, and we all see Donald Trump fighting for us as hard as he can, every single day,” a Republican and small-business owner from Milwaukee told the newspaper. “But then you have establishment Republicans who just agree with establishment Democrats and everything, and they don’t ever push back.”

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Saturday Night Live Falsely Claims Israel Vaccinated Half Its Population By Only Vaccinating Jews…

Blood libel

California’s Governor Now Hoarding COVID Vaccine For Teachers Who Refuse To Return To Work No Matter What…

Via NY Times:

Under pressure to reopen classrooms in California, Gov. Gavin Newsom said on Friday that, starting March 1, the state will reserve 10 percent of its first doses of Covid-19 vaccines for teachers and school employees.

Noting that the federal government has been steadily increasing the state’s vaccine allotment, the governor said he would set aside 75,000 doses each week for teachers and staff members planning to return to public school campuses in person. Although California prioritizes teachers for the vaccine, supply has been an issue. Only about three dozen of the state’s 58 counties have had enough doses on hand to immunize those who work at public schools.

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An Endangered Animal Has Been Cloned For The First Time…

Isn’t this how every horror movie starts?

Via AP:

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Scientists have cloned the first U.S. endangered species, a black-footed ferret duplicated from the genes of an animal that died over 30 years ago.

The slinky predator named Elizabeth Ann, born Dec. 10 and announced Thursday, is cute as a button. But watch out — unlike the domestic ferret foster mom who carried her into the world, she’s wild at heart.

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Merrick Garland Says He’ll Target White Supremacists…

Unfortunately everyone who is white is a white supremacist….

Via The Guardian:

At his Senate hearing on Monday, attorney general nominee Merrick Garland will pledge to prosecute “white supremacists and others” who attacked the US Capitol on 6 January, in support of Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn his election defeat.

Growing number of Republican donors aim to prise party from Trump influence

The pledge was contained in Garland’s opening testimony for the session before the Senate judiciary committee, released on Saturday night.

“If confirmed,” Garland said, ‘I will supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the Capitol on 6 January – a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government.”

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Merrick Garland (Please applaud) Thinks He’s The Attorney General Now…

Via The Hill:

Merrick Garland will tell senators on Monday that he will fight discrimination and domestic extremism if confirmed as attorney general, according to testimony released by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“It is a fitting time to reaffirm that the role of the attorney general is to serve the Rule of Law and to ensure equal justice under the law,” Garland is expected to say at his confirmation hearing.

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Jen Psaki Refuses to Condemn Andrew Cuomo’s Actions Connected to Nursing Home Deaths

She’ll circle back.

Brother can you spare a dime to support independent media?

Unlike the Lame Stream Media we are NOT funded by Bill & Melinda Gates, or George Soros. So a few coins in our jar to help us keep going are always appreciated. [wpedon id=441]

Views: 26

By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.