36 Thousand Dead in 21 Days In The UK
Hospitals and their organizations running them are all in on the fraud. They scream bloody murder when there is none. Is this not unlike screaming fire in a crowded and…
Hospitals and their organizations running them are all in on the fraud. They scream bloody murder when there is none. Is this not unlike screaming fire in a crowded and…
When you are talking about websites that get away with having pedophilia images and innocent images together and sexualized by comments is legal. Legal grey areas exists because the people…
This shit is literally Bat Shit Crazy Disgusting. This behavior and belief and practice is so perverse and so pervasive it will blow your mind, my mind is already beyond…
Just some stuff you may have missed in the past month.
The government is looking for people pushing against the propaganda pushed by the MSM. I suggest everyone leave Google services as much as they can. Google is complicate in this…
There is absolutely no reason let alone educational reason for a child to be taken to a bar by anyone except their parents. I my self was taken to bars…
I guess he has never read the Constitution Of The United States which states the freedom endowed by God shall not be infringed by anyone. Well I guess Jared thinks…
And now do not fool yourself. The illegals are not going to actually get a flipping dime of this 450k. The people who are going to get this money are…
Well these are great questions to ask. I just cannot think of any reason just a few people have these type of bright red leather like shoes. I do not…
None of those bastards lie to you about anything, really. I find it amazing that those conspiracy people think there is something nefarious going on. Those people who say you…