How many comms do you see? Let’s break it down.

  • 0:04 – Santa Painting signed by ‘QA’ (QAnon) holding a Hammer
    —— Anon community at that time
    Referred itself to QAnon.
  • 0:04 – There is a Q stocking, but look closely…. it was originally an “O” and it was changed to a Q. It was confirmed “O” was changed to a “Q” in the drops.
    —— How many names start with a Q?
  • 0:04 – The Q stocking is right next to a T stocking.
    —— signifying Q and Trump are working together.
    —— Q confirmed what are the chances these two stockings were together.
  • 0:14 – The lady baker on the right…. Look Closely… She had a little frog 🐸 pin on her uniform. —— Bakers and Pepe working together.

The Gingerbread Express Elevator has been a tradition since 2010, but there was never anything like this. Q acknowledged every bit of it.

Just a little Q history for you.