Imagine you’re so wealthy you could literally live ANYWHERE you want. And yet, you choose to live next to many shipping containers? It’s not the greatest view nor the greatest hiking spot either. It is quite simple: Diddy is being used as a tool like Jeffrey Epstein was, sacrificial lambs, to be used as fall guys and distractions while no justice is achieved.
Did Epstein die in prison? If he did, he was 100% murdered by Five Eyes, but odds are he was switched out for a body double and is now retired in some of the hundreds of pedo islands around the world. Do we think the real Ghislaine Maxwell is in prison, or did they place a lookalike on her behalf? Just take a close look at Diddy’s mugshot. What do you see?

- Elite Brain Surgeon got CANCELED for Exposing blue light DARPA tech for mind control..
- Georgia Tann kidnapped and sold thousands of children on the black market!
- They Totally Made Them Say These Things Hilarious OMG Please listen and hold onto your chair
- Oh Look A Real Plane Crash With Wreckage And Everything