Pedo Dr Phil is playing ball because either he does or he loses everything. He is going to Gitmo eventually but not until his wake up USA job is done.
Dr Phil highlighted some of the ways your government wastes money and it is nothing short of mind-blowing.
-Fauci spent over four hundred thousand dollars attempting to turn monkeys into transgenders.
-Two point one million dollars on sex education for commercial sex workers in Ethiopia.
-556 thousand dollars for a study of feces from various mammals.
-Nine point four million dollars for Kyrgy’s Republic for anti-corruption. We could use that here.
-IRS at three point six billion dollars in stimulus checks to two point two million dead people.
-The National Science Foundation gave three hundred thousand dollars to the University of Wisconsin for a virtual reality penguin study.
-Harvard spent seventy-five thousand dollars in federal grants to blow lizards off trees with leaf blower. You can’t make this up.
-They spent two point seven million dollars studying cats running on treadmills.
-They spent one point seven billion on hot dogs walking in the heat.
-They spent twelve million on how monkeys sleep while they’re on meth. They spent another one point eight million on monkeys gambling. They spent twelve million dollars on monkeys on meth.
-It’s one million dollars from Nassau to prepare the nation’s religions for the discovery of extraterrestrial life.
-Health and Human Services made a one point four million dollar grant for sex education for California prostitutes.
-A million dollars went for a study on where it hurts the most to be stung by a bee. And it turns out it’s the nostril.
- Elite Brain Surgeon got CANCELED for Exposing blue light DARPA tech for mind control..
- Georgia Tann kidnapped and sold thousands of children on the black market!
- They Totally Made Them Say These Things Hilarious OMG Please listen and hold onto your chair
- Oh Look A Real Plane Crash With Wreckage And Everything