This is the complete six part series created by Scrawny2Brawny. It is designed to help, teach and show the absolutely wild hidden symbolism behind the ‘Back to the Future’ trilogy.
Trump = 88 (English Gematria)
Donald J. Trump = 888 (English Gematria)
‘Back to the Future’ is riddled with 88s. The film’s creators have already openly stated that the antagonist, Biff, was modeled after Donald Trump. (“Biff for President” 1989)
Trump’s text-to-vote has the number 88; since his 2016 campaign.
In the second Back to the Future they traveled to 10-21-15. That’s 4 months 7 days (47) after his second campaign began and 3303 days before he’s elected 47th President this year for the second time – on the exact same day (Nov 5th) they travel to in the film.
- Tucker Carlsom: Bryan Johnson
- The Mark Zuckerberg situation gets a little WEIRD.
- Top 5 Celebrities Rumored to Be Secretly Dead
- ⛔️Weather Modification Technology is not just Conspiracy Theory.
- Adrenochrome References Throughout Films 🎥
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