Donald Trump and RFK Jr are going to STOP the Mass Poisoning of US Children 🙌
🟤 Today, Americans die earlier than Canadians, Germans, Italians, Japanese, Koreans, Australians, and more than any comparable country
- it wasn’t always that way… until the early 1990’s, our life expectancy was the same or better than other developed countries
- Suddenly, more and more Americans began suffering from more chronic diseases
—— obesity, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and all kinds of autoimmune diseases - our maternal mortality rate soared to the highest of any developed country on earth
—— same with infant mortality
- One Example is a Yellow Dye called Tartrazine (Yellow Dye #5)
—— this dye is made from the sludge left over when you turn coal into coke - Tartrazine (Yellow #5) was used to pave roads… but then one day a British chemist figured out how to make fabric dye, and that escalated to using it in our food
- Tartrazine (Yellow #5) causes..
—— cancerous tumors
—— asthma
—— developmental delays
—— neurological damage
—— hormone disruption
—— gene damage
—— anxiety
—— depression
—— intestinal injuries - Tartrazine (Yellow #5) is banned in many other countries, and some countries it says it on the label that it may cause ADHD in children.
- Tartrazine (Yellow #5) It’s not just in junk food… it’s in everyday kids snacks.
—— popcorn
—— Mac and Cheese
—— Fruit snacks
—— Sports drinks, Gatorade and called vitamin water
—— Chicken Broth
—— Corn
—— Pickles
—— mustard
—— yogurt
—— Doritos
—— Cheez-ITS
—— Gummy Bears
—— plus many many others… - And so of course our kids get sick… and then we give them chewable vitamins and cough syrup that surprise surprise…… they have Tartrazine (Yellow #5) in it…
- Elite Brain Surgeon got CANCELED for Exposing blue light DARPA tech for mind control..
- Georgia Tann kidnapped and sold thousands of children on the black market!
- They Totally Made Them Say These Things Hilarious OMG Please listen and hold onto your chair
- Oh Look A Real Plane Crash With Wreckage And Everything