Portrait of young man with shocked facial expression over orange studio background

In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kings of Morocco & Libya. [HASSAN Family]
They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to Kill The Bloodlines of Jesus Christ[DRUZE]
6 Yrs later they merged with Skull n Bones. Rothschilds, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff aka Bush, Kissingers, etc.
The UK Royals arteficially inseminated by the Rothschilds had taken control of the Satanic Sanussi[HASSAN]Family of Libya.
See the Sanussi Family [BLACK FLAG]
ISIS was already created, it was just merged over.
Skull n Bones_ISIS Assassinated JFK.
See JFK meeting Crown Prince HASSAN of Libya & King HASSAN 2 of MOROCCO.
See Obama’s first year of Presidency 2009.
Green Day released a song called Know Your Enemy.
They told you ISIS will rise & don’t be blinded by “Lies in your eyes.

Zbigniew Brzezinski created Tim Osman/OBL in late 70s.