If you’re saying no way our government would stage 911 to justify war with Afghanistan…. Have you ever heard of Operation Northwoods?

  • Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962.
  • The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba.
  • The possibilities detailed in the unclassified documents are horrific, here were a few:
    —— remote control of a civilian aircraft which would be secretly repainted as US Air Force plane, a fabricated ‘shoot down’ of a US Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba
    —— hijacking attempts against civilians air and surface crafts
    —— the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants
    —— sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas
    —— lob mortar shells into our own US Military bases
    —— blowing up a U.S. Military ship
    —— detonate plastic explosives in a few designated spots on American soil
    —— Orchestrating terrorism campaigns in U.S. cities.

All of these proposals were Strongly REJECTED by President John F. Kennedy.