Many will remember the ‘beheadings’ of 2013-2014, which led to the bombing of northern Syria. Many already know that all of the high-profile ISIS / ISIL beheadings, cage burnings, etc., were entirely fake.
According to the Hacktivist group Cyber Berkut, war monger and Obama campaign shill John McCain, was visiting with Khazar friends in the Ukraine with a few of his aides. During this trip, one of these aides had a device (most likely a tablet or phone) hacked while connected to a local network.
The video you see here,. was thus obtained.
It shows the studio production of an obviously fake beheading, performed in front of a green-screen. The known video this production most closely resembles is that of Steven Sotloff.
What this appears to prove, is that Senator John McCain knew all along that the videos being used to promote war, were entirely fake. If I am not mistaken, this also proves that he is a criminal fraud and a war criminal as well. Aside from the video above, there is ample additional evidence to verify this conclusion:
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