In this one we’ll look at some additional examples from popular movies and other content that again demonstrate the dualistic influence of Gnosticism in pop-culture. Some of the content we’ll look at will include: Blade, Dark Crystal, Harry Potter, Ready Player One, and more. We will also cover some further symbolism from Freemasonry and discover that, yet again, the only weapon that can truly defeat all this darkness is the invincible Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
0:00 – IntroductionIntroduction
1:59 – Reviewing Dualism & Gnosticism Reviewing Dualism & Gnosticism
7:05 – Additional Dualistic Movies & GamesAdditional Dualistic Movies & Games
29:20 – Additional Dualism in MasonryAdditional Dualism in Masonry
39:45 – The Solution to DualismThe Solution to Dualism
- Elite Brain Surgeon got CANCELED for Exposing blue light DARPA tech for mind control..
- Georgia Tann kidnapped and sold thousands of children on the black market!
- They Totally Made Them Say These Things Hilarious OMG Please listen and hold onto your chair
- Oh Look A Real Plane Crash With Wreckage And Everything