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A balloon made of aluminum was filled with hydrogen or helium and at an altitude of 270 meters produced a direct current of 400 volts with a force of 1.8 amperes. Two balloons with a capacitor battery gave a power of 81 kilowatts in a day.

As the author writes, “Its output is very large….. There is no doubt that this invention will soon come into general use throughout the world. Especially in rural areas and wherever water power is scarce.

The time is not far distant when nearly all our energy will be derived from the atmosphere….. It is the cheapest known form of energy, much cheaper than water power….. no destructive thunderstorms occur near such aerial power stations, because the balloons rapidly discharge the largest thundercloud, safely and silently through grounded spark gaps.”

An invention that could provide cheap and affordable electricity to the entire world. Is that why it was forgotten? 🤔

– Richard Wilson