Video Of Child Slavery Mining In The Democratic Republic Of Congo, Has Surfaced Showing Children Slaves Mining In The Mines Of Congo, Which Has Sparked An Investigation Against The Biden Administration That Just So Happens To Be Mining Minerals There For The Alleged Green New Deal Policy, It’s Acknowledged, The Biden Administration Was Already Aware Of Enforced Child Labor In The Regions Of Kipushi And Kilolo Of Congo When They Signed Into Plans To Mine There, But Continued With Mining There Anyways For What’s Referred To As The Blood Cobalt, Knowingly Pushing Child Slavery Mining Anyways. The Youngest That Have Been Reported Mining There For The Green New Deal Is As 4 Years Old Forced Into The Mines.

For Those Uneducated On Child Slavery In Congo, We Have Provided A Video That Explains Further To Be More Informed What To Expect While The Biden Administration Mines There For Electric Car Batteries For Money.

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