By Jaz McKay

As a retired radio talk show host, my journey actually began as a disc jockey in the 1970s, gradually progressing from a regular, run of the mill, time and temp midday and afternoon jock to hosting full blown, morning drive extravaganzas in the 1980s. Throughout my 45-year career, I encountered two instances where my competitors, unable to surpass my ratings with a superior morning radio show, resorted to unjust actions taken against me and another where a member of the city council attempted to get me fired because the content of my program wasn’t what she considered suitable for the citizens of the city.

One station had me arrested on baseless charges, while another filed a fabricated slander suit against me, aiming to tarnish my reputation and credibility with listeners and my employer. However, both cases were promptly dismissed by the courts. Contrary to their expectations, my listeners stood by me, and my employer maintained faith in me. I not only bounced back but also surpassed all expectations, achieving even stronger ratings after each incident.

My circumstances back then bear a resemblance to the ongoing endeavors of Democrats aimed at undermining Donald Trump. Recognizing their inability to defeat him through the electoral process, they have turned to deceitful legal actions in an attempt to tarnish his reputation. While they may harbor hopes of imprisoning him, they are well aware that such an outcome is highly unlikely. Their primary goal is to disillusion the American people regarding Trump, counting on public weariness with the continuous controversies. Just as my listeners and employer did not abandon me, I remain steadfast in my commitment to stand by Donald Trump and have no intention of abandoning him.

Allow me to share the details of these incidents that all occurred in Lansing, Michigan and how they relate to Trumps situation. In 1989 I was hosting a hugely successful morning show on a classic rock station called WMMQ when a slander case was filed against me by WVIC, a competing top 40 station. The case arose from my explanation to my listeners about the questionable nature of a contest conducted by WVIC, which I believed was bordering on fraud. While I provided factual information on how the contest worked, WVIC alleged that I had damaged their brand by suggesting they were “ripping off their listeners” and calling their management “dirty rotten liars.” However, in the preliminary hearing, the judge recognized that my statements were protected, as they were my opinions and under the First Amendment, opinions are protected. As a result, the case was dismissed, leading to a surge in my ratings and eventually WVIC changed its format.

During my tenure at WMMQ, another notable incident unfolded surrounding the station’s cherished “Brown Bag Lunch Concert Series.” This free concert series had been a beloved tradition for seven years prior to my arrival. Held in downtown Lansing, it provided a delightful respite for the working folk’s during their lunch hour every Friday throughout the summer. People would gather at the town square, just a block away from the Michigan State Capitol, where they enjoyed the musical performances of local musicians while eating their lunches under the shade of trees and on benches. Food trucks were always a part of the event and everyone always had a good time.

Obtaining a permit from the city was a routine procedure for the event, and no issues had arisen in the past. However, in my first summer in town, city councilwoman, Alfreda Schmidt objected to granting the permit to the station. She insisted that WMMQ should first terminate my employment and publicly apologize for hiring me in the first place, asserting that the content of my show was unsuitable for the airwaves of the Michigan capitol city.

In those days, I was often labeled a “Shock Jock,” although I personally referred to my show as “Reality Radio.” Admittedly, my style of broadcasting may not have appealed to everyone, but it did garner a significant following among blue-collar factory workers from the General Motors plant, college students at Michigan State University, and the thousands of state workers in town.

This unexpected backlash from the city council surprised both me and the management at WMMQ, given that the “Brown Bag Lunch Concert Series” had never faced any challenges before and I wasn’t even scheduled to make any personal appearances there.

In response to Councilwoman Schmitt’s objection, the City Council scheduled a public hearing one week later. On the night of the hearing, the council chambers were packed with over three hundred individuals, with some people even spilling into the lobby. Community members formed a line, patiently waiting for their turn to speak for one minute each. After nearly an hour of public comments, the council president decided to halt the proceedings and call for a vote. Out of the dozens and dozens who spoke, only one single solitary person sided with Councilmember Schmitt and the final vote tally that night stood at 8 to 1 in favor of granting WMMQ the permit for the concert’s that year.

In the face of opposition and a consequential public hearing, the indomitable support of the community emerged triumphant, ensuring the continuation of the beloved “Brown Bag Lunch Concert Series.” A remarkable testament to the significance of civic engagement, this episode exemplified the profound impact individuals can have when they actively participate in shaping their community. The resounding voices of the people resonated with the city council, underscoring the importance of getting involved and making one’s opinions known. In this instance, the will of the people prevailed, reinforcing the transformative power of civic activism.

Three years later in another incident, upon my return to WMMQ in Lansing after a short time I spent working in Florida, a rock station called WJXQ discovered a three-year-old bench warrant I had for a failure to appear over a traffic citation. They orchestrated my arrest live on the air, with the Lansing Police Department taking me into custody while I was on the radio. Little did they know that I had already made arrangements with the Ingham County District Attorney’s office to resolve the matter. In court, the judge reprimanded the arresting officers for unlawfully removing a licensed operator from a federally licensed broadcast facility. The assistant district attorney informed the judge of our pre-existing arrangement, and I agreed to pay the fine for running a stop sign three years prior. Once again, my listeners remained loyal, and my employer stood by me.

In all three of these cases, the politician and the stations involved believed that my listeners would abandon me and my employer would be embarrassed enough to terminate my employment. However, they misjudged the situation, and the subsequent ratings proved them wrong. It became evident that the radio stations resorted to such tactics out of desperation and a lack of faith in their own abilities and the city council member thought her tastes should be forced on the community rather than allow the people to decide for themselves. Similarly, the Democrats’ attempts to crush Donald Trump are destined to fail, just as my competitors’ efforts did.

Trump possesses the potential to achieve what I accomplished in Lansing, Michigan over thirty years ago and we must not lose faith. Let us remain resolute, hopeful, and unwavering in that faith. Regardless of the task at hand, let us embrace our strength and actively engage in the necessary work it will take to win this. Together, we can emerge victorious, upholding the spirit of “Where We Go One, We Go All.”


By the way, there is another incident involving a competing station employee recording themselves calling into my show and using profanity, which they then sent to the FCC. However, that story is best left for another day. For the record, I won that battle as well.

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By Jaz McKay

Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. He’s been called the Uncommon Voice of the Common Man and is a Super Spreader of the Truth.