Just when you thought wokeness of the perpetually offended of our society could not possibly become any more obtrusive or abusive, Microsoft has embeded a political correctness checker in it’s Word program:

When switched on, spelling mistakes are underlined in red, grammar errors in blue and “inclusiveness” issues in purple. …

The checker can be turned on and off in a menu called “Grammar & Refinements”, which lists everything it checks: Age bias, Cultural bias, Ethnic slurs, Gender bias, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Gender-Specific Language, Racial Bias, Sexual Orientation Bias and Socioeconomic Bias.

Big Brother is coming after you in the private sector and if you’re not pissed off you must not be paying attention.


Users who write “Mrs Thatcher” are told it “may imply gender bias” and are prompted to change it to the supposedly less offensive “Ms Thatcher”.

And the phrase astronaut Neil Armstrong uttered when he became the first person on the moon is not deemed acceptable.

Rather than “one giant leap for mankind”, he should have said “humankind” or “humanity”.

Using the word “mankind” is now a thoughtcrime according to the big tech overlords.

It also proposes changing “maid” — used for centuries to describe female housekeepers — to “house cleaner”.

Others to change include “headmaster” (Word suggests “principal”), “mistress” (“lover”), “master” (“expert”), “manpower” (“workforce”) and “heroine” (“hero”).

The digital strategist John Bull loves the political correctness checker:

“Your spellchecker will now help you to start overcoming your subconscious biases. It’s a brilliant feature.”

The allegedly brilliant feature is included in the latest version of Office 365. Future versions might provide electric shocks through the keyboard to those who type words that have been deleted from the Newspeak Dictionary, the better to cure us of our subconscious biases.

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By Howard Roark

Howard Roark is a Senior Fellow with the Kirby Institute and editor of The Deplorable Patriot. He’s a second amendment advocate, avid shooter, hunter, fisherman, fur trapper, writer, artist, poet, and inventor of the wall port central vacuum cleaner system. He is both a moral and a practical man and is fully committed to the artistic integrity of every one of his endeavors or projects whether working as a common laborer in a rock quarry or operating a Fortune 500 design firm.