There’s nothing more exciting for grade schoolers than a field trip. Normally, schools take children to a museum or a zoo.

But teachers at Wilton Manor Elementary School in Fort Lauderdale took their students to a gay bar.

Photographs show the boys and girls inside Rosie’s Bar and Grill – decked out in rainbow colors. The bar advertises itself as a place for LGBT diners and their allies. 

Among the items on the menu – Naked Sweaty Lovin’ Hot Wings and the Ivana Hooker Hamburger.

Broward County School Board member Sarah Leonardi was So excited to be invited to chaperone that she posted photos on Twitter.

Who in their right mind thought it was a good idea to let third graders go hang out in a bar?

And, let’s be clear about the real problem here. It’s not just that it’s a gay bar. The problem is THAT IT’S A BAR!

And underage children have no business being anywhere near a gay bar, a biker bar, or any other kind of a place where adults hang out and get drunk. 

This was not a field trip, it was an on-the-scene indoctrination session sponsored by radicals in the school system. And heaven help any parent who gets upset, because if you complain to school board you could very well get a knock on the front door from the FBI.

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By Howard Roark

Howard Roark is a Senior Fellow with the Kirby Institute and editor of The Deplorable Patriot. He’s a second amendment advocate, avid shooter, hunter, fisherman, fur trapper, writer, artist, poet, and inventor of the wall port central vacuum cleaner system. He is both a moral and a practical man and is fully committed to the artistic integrity of every one of his endeavors or projects whether working as a common laborer in a rock quarry or operating a Fortune 500 design firm.