Florida McDonald’s Paying People $50 Just To Show Up For Job Interview, Still Struggling to Find Applicants
Via The Epoch Times:
A McDonald’s franchise owner in Tampa, Florida, said he is paying people $50 just to show up for a job interview and is still struggling to find applicants.
Blake Casper, the franchisee who owns the McDonald’s location, told Business Insider that a general manager and supervisor created a plan for paying would-be employees to show up for the interview after telling them to “do whatever you need to do” to hire more workers.
Liberal Continues To Meltdown Over DeSantis Success In FL
Guy needs a my little pony to hug.
Retired NYPD Cop Among 15 Shot Across NYC…

Via NY Post:
A retired NYPD officer in the “wrong place at the wrong time” was one of 15 people shot Saturday amid a surge of gun violence in the Big Apple, police sources told The Post.
The 30-year-old former cop was leaving a party in Red Hook, Brooklyn around 11:30 p.m. when she heard gunshots and realized she’d been hit three times in the torso, sources said.
Cops believe the shots came from a group of men who began brawling after they were denied entry to the bash, according to the sources.
“She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and took a slug in the stomach,” a source said.
The perps fled the scene at 160 Van Brunt Street, where five shell casings were later recovered.
Lindsey Graham Reacts To Biden’s ‘Systemic Racism’ Remark…

If only Lindsey acted this tough over protecting our election from being stolen
Via NY Post:
Sen. Lindsey Graham on Sunday disputed President Biden’s claim that “systemic racism” exists in America — and said he wants the commander-in-chief to stop “running the place down.”
Graham (R-SC) was asked about Biden’s comments about “systemic racism” following the conviction of former Minneapolis police cop Derek Chauvin last week in the death of George Floyd.
“Not in my opinion. We just elected a two-term African-American president. The vice president is of African-American-Indian descent. So our systems are not racist. America is not a racist country,” Graham told host Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.”
“So this attack on police and policing — reform the police, yes, call them all racist, no. You know, America is a work in progress but best — best place on the planet and Joe Biden spent a lot of time running the place down. I wish he would stop it,” Graham said.
Man Runs Through Crowd Of Antifa Smacking Them With A Cast Iron Skillet…
Illegal Alien Kids Getting Free Copy Of Kamala Harris’ Children’s Book, Paid For By Our Tax Dollars…

Next week they will say her book is on the bestseller list…
Via NY Post:
Vice President Kamala Harris hasn’t been to the border to address a crisis she was tasked to help fix — but a children’s book she wrote is waiting there for young migrants who are being welcomed into the country.
Unaccompanied migrant kids brought from the U.S.-Mexico border to a new shelter in Long Beach, Calif., will be given a copy of her 2019 children’s book, “Superheroes are Everywhere,” in their welcome kits.
It’s just the latest open-arms gesture by the Biden administration, whose mixed messaging regarding the border and immigration has been credited with the surge from Central America to the U.S.-Mexico border.
Border czar Roberta Jacobson last month conceded that the Biden administration’s messaging to migrants has been inconsistent, contributing to the unprecedented surge.
IOC Forbids Taking A Knee During Olympics…
Bet none of you saw that coming
John Kerry On A Scooter…
That’s it…John Kerry on a scooter. What the hell even is this?
Elderly Asian Man Knocked To The Ground, Stomped On By Black Kid…
Portland’s Mayor Begs Public To Help Dox Antifa Members, Do The Cops Jobs…
Ridiculous and dangerous. Folks are going to get hurt and it will be Ted’s fault.
Gay Activists Totally Shunning Caitlyn Jenner For Running For Governor…

Now who is the transphobe?
Via Washington Times:
Though Caitlyn Jenner is one of the most famous transgender people in America, the announcement of her candidacy for California governor was greeted hostilely by one of the state’s largest LGBTQ-rights groups and by many trans activists around the country.
“Make no mistake: we can’t wait to elect a #trans governor of California,” tweeted the group, Equality California. “But @Caitlyn_Jenner spent years telling the #LGBTQ+ community to trust Donald Trump. We saw how that turned out. Now she wants us to trust her? Hard pass.”
Biden Sees Record Approval Among College-Age Americans (Yeah Right)

IDK who these people are asking. I don’t know a single Democrat who thinks he’s doing a job at all, let alone a good one.
Via The Hill:
More than 6 in 10 college-age Americans approve of President Biden’s job as president thus far, according to a new youth poll from the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School, representing the highest figure for any president in the history of the survey.
Overall, 59 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds approve of Biden’s job as president, with 65 percent approving of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and 57 percent of his handling of race relations specifically, according to the poll released on Friday.
Sixty-three percent of college-aged adults surveyed approve of Biden’s job in the White House, higher than any figure recorded in the 21-year history of the poll. President George W. Bush saw his highest approval of 61 percent in 2003, and President Obama hit his highest mark of 57 percent in 2016. President Trump experienced his highest rating of 33 percent among the group in 2019.
Ghislaine Maxwell Pleads Not Guilty To New Sex Trafficking Charges…

Via NY Post:
Ghislaine Maxwell pleaded not guilty Friday to a fresh set of sex-trafficking charges — as the accused Jeffrey Epstein madam was hauled into court for her first in-person appearance since her arrest in July.
The fallen British heiress, 59, had been slapped with two more charges — sex trafficking of a minor and sex-trafficking conspiracy — last month after a new accuser came forward alleging she was just 14 years old when Maxwell recruited her for her pedophile pal Epstein.
The charges add to six other counts to which Maxwell has previously pleaded not guilty.
Maxwell has been held without bail at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn since her arrest last year — and she and her lawyers have repeatedly complained about the “onerous” conditions of her incarceration.
They say the daughter of the late disgraced media titan Robert Maxwell is subjected to strip searches, woken every 15 minutes by flashlight and given nearly nothing to eat.
In December, Bobbi Sternheim, Maxwell’s lawyer, wrote to Manhattan federal court Judge Alison Nathan that the conditions have led to his client losing more than 15 pounds and shedding hair.
Republicans Demand CDC Director Explain Why Children Have to Wear a Mask…

Via NY Post:
Thirty-two Republican lawmakers sent a letter to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky asking how the agency reached their determination that children over two years old have to wear masks.
The lawmakers requested that Walensky provide the group with “information on how the [CDC] came to its conclusion that children two years and older should wear facemasks to mitigate the spread of COVID-19” in a letter led by Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah, sent on Thursday.
“The implementation of these recommendations has had serious consequences for some Americans,” the lawmakers wrote. “Multiple parents of young children have been removed from flights and in some instances, permanently banned, from future travel on the airline they were flying due to their toddler’s refusal to wear a mask.”
The Republicans pointed out that the CDC mask mandate has made it “almost impossible” for parents of children with disabilities to comply and has resulted in “increased social isolation and negative mental health consequences.”
“The CDC’s mandate that children as young as two years old must wear facemasks is among the most stringent face mask age requirements in the world,” the lawmakers wrote, adding that other nations – such as Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Italy – have a much higher age requirement for masks.
Jill Biden Is Out Doing The Rounds For Her Lazy Demented Husband Again…

Via NY Post:
WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Jill Biden spent the first day of a trip to the Navajo Nation listening to female tribal leaders whom she referred to as her “sister warriors,” on the needs and priorities of the country’s largest Native American reservation.
Biden sprinkled in phrases in Navajo that point to the holistic nature of the culture that interconnects all things, living in balance, beauty and harmony. She said she was proud to address the Navajo Nation on a day that highlights the protection of Mother Earth, a reference to Biden’s climate change agenda.
“It’s on all of us together to find the path back to hoz’ho — harmony and beauty, the world as it should be,” she said Thursday beneath a red sandstone arch with a cutout that gives the tribal capital of Window Rock its name. “Despite the challenges that you faced, the Navajo Nation lives that truth again and again.”
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